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Automators, architects, and engineers. We're all here.

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Welcoming all customers, partners, and Academy students.

Current members

Ask questions. Share what and how you build. Be inspired.

I’ve been an active member of the Tray community since the beginning and I find the most value from being able to interact with other builders. I love having the opportunity to ask questions and get answers in real time.

Bill Keiffer, Bynder
William, Solutions Architect, Integrations
Bynder logo

What you'll get from the Slack community:

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Look up your workflows, install OpenAI to your internal Slack, and powerful Slack native AI-search on the docs - we are just getting started with powerful Community tools to help you build.

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2000+ members and growing. Daily conversations with other builders.

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Direct Access

Work and communicate with peers and experts, directly in Slack. Grow alongside our engaged community members and be the first to know about product updates - directly from the product team at community

Be part of our builder community today

2000+ builders collaborate, build, and create - directly in our Slack community.


I love the Tray Community! Both internal Tray folks and fellow customers have helped me get unblocked in my building process and learn new best practices. It's also very satisfying to be able to share product feedback and ideas in a real-time, conversational way.

loren linkedin photo
Loren, Sr. Marketing Operations Manager
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Ready? Join the community

Automators, architects, and automation evangelists. We're all here.

Future members

Welcoming all customers, partners, and Academy students.

Current members

Ask questions. Share what and how you build. Be inspired.