Trello and Slack integration + automation

Trello and Slack integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust Trello and Slack connectors, which can connect to any service without the need for separate integration tools.

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Build custom Slack + Trello integrations fast

The low-code Tray Platform makes custom Slack + Trello integration a breeze. We make it simple to connect any data source and any other cloud application. Our visual, drag-and-drop builder gives anybody the power to quickly integrate Trello + Slack + any other tool in your stack, without the need for IT support.

Get the absolute most out of your project management tools with our flexible builder, which lets you stand up custom integrations in minutes. Now, you can connect email, FTP, webhook, and even flat files such as CSV to Slack, Trello, and any other app, even using data within custom fields. 

Our platform also makes it just as easy to stand up custom Slack + Trello automation. Once you connect your apps, documents, and files, you can easily set up multi-step workflows that sync data anywhere and everywhere you need. As a result, your team gets the power to communicate and collaborate on a whole new level. Now, you can auto-sync real-time chat logs with project updates, send automated Slack alerts for important milestones, and execute every project flawlessly, every time.

Trello and Slack Connector Details

CategoryProject Management
Get webhook by URLWebhook
Connector TypeTray Connector
Raw HTTP request (advanced)Add card checklistAdd card commentAdd checklist itemCreate new boardCreate new cardCreate new listGet board by IDGet card by IDGet checklist by IDGet list by IDList boards
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On Slack eventOn action (button or menu click)On slash command
Connector TypeTray Connector
Leave conversationAdd reminderArchive conversationConversation exists?Create conversationCreate pinDelete scheduled messageGenerate channel nameGet conversation infoGet userGet user by emailInvite user to conversationand 1 more...
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By connecting our growth stack, we personalized messaging at scale for hundreds of thousands of customers and doubled our engagement rates.

Senior Director Growth, New Relic
New Relic

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
