Social Media Leader

Leading social network paves the way for exponential HR growth by using automation to accelerate onboarding and employee account provisioning at scale

Use Case

Manual HR onboarding, provisioning, and updates

One of the most popular social networks online welcomes millions of users daily to discuss anything and everything of interest in their lives. To keep pace with its enormous popularity, the company has grown its headcount dramatically, going from just nine people to 500+ and counting in just a few years.

To scale much-needed HR support for the company’s extraordinary pace of hiring, the company needed to streamline its new employee onboarding process, as well as to speed up account provisioning and updates for existing team members undergoing updates to their employee status.

“We hire 20-30 new team members every month, and run two onboarding sessions monthly,” says the company’s HR business partner. “Previously, we were handling onboarding and account provisioning for employee updates by using manual data entry.” “Onboarding new hires into BambooHR requires filling out 30-40 custom fields,” explains the HR team. However, BambooHR’s native API integration to Greenhouse only covered about seven fields, leaving the HR team to enter the rest manually. “This would take us 20 minutes or so per new we were looking at about 10 hours per month in manual work for this task alone.”

The company also faced ongoing challenges with additional updates for existing employees for change of address, job title, or team. “This was also a manual process that would, for instance, require employees to update their addresses in a bunch of different systems.”

Employee onboarding required hours of manual data entry

Tray Universal Automation Cloud integrates the HR stack

The HR team’s IPaaS search led them to, which offered both a robust Universal Automation Cloud and extremely high-quality, responsive customer service. “We were very impressed with Tray’s customer service. The team understood where we’re coming from and our vision, and they committed to do whatever was possible to get things to work, even in spite of the limitations of parts of our HR stack.”

“The Tray team has always been happy to jump on a call and walk me through our processes on a screen share,” the HR business partner explains. “Since they’ve spent so much time and effort walking me through our workflows, I feel confident about being able to tweak or debug as needed. And when there are minor errors, I’ve found Error Handling to be a great new addition that lets us push through all other candidates’ data even if one candidate’s information errors out.”

The HR team members worked with Tray to build out automated workflows that deeply integrated their tech stack. The first use case was automating the onboarding process by integrating Greenhouse to BambooHR so that whenever a candidate accepted an offer in Greenhouse, the Tray workflow would automatically route that candidate’s details into BambooHR, which acts as a central system of record for HR.


Time savings, seamless data transfer, and more focus on HR strategy

“Now that we’ve automated the Greenhouse-to-BambooHR onboarding process, we save about 10 hours every month. Previously, we had to schedule that time to build out those profiles, but now, we just know it’s going to get done,” explains the HR team. “On top of decreasing time spent, I think it’s helped the overall process of onboarding.”

“Tray has helped us build out more of an overall process to scale our hiring for the future. We can now get people set up two weeks in advance of their start dates, with fewer points of failure and less time spent. We have a more-accurate system of record since BambooHR is connected to everything - we send all our HR data from BambooHR to all our other apps and systems.”

10+ hours saved per month

“Using the Tray Platform, we not only save hours of manual work, but we’re also scaling onboarding and employee account provisioning with automation so that we can focus on the bigger picture for strategic HR initiatives such as benefits, orientations, and career development.”

HR Business Partner

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