
Peddle dramatically accelerates IT provisioning and e-commerce operations with low-code automation

Peddle - Case Study Hero
Use Case
IT / Business Tech
Austin, TX

Challenges in identity management and auction logistics

Peddle is a rapidly-growing leader in automotive marketplaces. The company matches car sellers and buyers and has helped sell more than 2 million cars across all 50 states in the US.  Peddle’s nationwide service has garnered tens of thousands of 5-star reviews by offering convenience and quick turnaround times for a traditionally lengthy and burdensome process.

Peddle’s success relies on facilitating a strong network of car buyers, sellers, and carriers. As its network expands and the company grows, more partners and vendors need access to various tools within Peddle’s tech stack, which currently includes more than 260 different applications.

Previously, the Peddle IT team handled creating new users, changing permissions, managing titles, and other identity management tasks manually. Updating access for its many partners by hand for dozens, if not hundreds, of apps threatened to eat up the growing IT organization’s valuable time and resources at a point when it also needed to scale its team. Without any standardization of processes or audit trail to minimize future risk, Peddle knew that manually provisioning applications was inefficient, risky, and simply wouldn’t scale.

“Manual work is monotonous and wears on good talent. Any time manual work is involved, you can expect mistakes,” says Peddle’s automation specialist Mary Fossbender. “And once you detect a mistake, you have to track down the source, and then come up with a solution to prevent it from happening again. With the Tray Platform, we can automate away the manual work–and mistakes–and let our teams focus on doing what they do best.”

15 hrs of manual data entry per week

Automate provisioning and auction updates using Tray

The Peddle team quickly came to understand that it couldn’t accurately and efficiently scale its identity management and auction processes by hand. After writing some minor Google scripts to automate a few workflows, Peddle realized the scope of the problem required a more-powerful solution. “I knew that automation was the best way...really the only way we could streamline these manual tasks in order to scale the business,” Wynn confides.

 For a rapidly-growing marketplace commerce company, overlooking mission-critical auction details such as pricing updates, fee discrepancies, and other pertinent information simply wasn’t an option. In addition, the marketing and sales teams found their hard work would fall out of sync due to each team utilizing highly customized instances of HubSpot and Salesforce. Without the ability to sync important deal and contact data across their tools, Peddle’s team found itself mired in the time-consuming task of manually re-creating accounts, contacts, and association.

The Peddle team set out to use Tray Universal Automation Cloud to integrate its most important business tools, including Airtable, Asana, Jira, Slack, HubSpot, and Salesforce. The team found it could use Tray’s low-code automation builder to scale both account provisioning for IT and auction-related workflows to minimize risk and improve efficiency. 

30%reduction in IT manual task queue
100+contractors onboarded in 90 days
260+apps managed and provisioned

Streamlines 30% of IT processes, onboards 100+ contractors in 90 days

In addition to improving user experience for auctions and making transactions faster, Peddle has significantly improved its IT provisioning processes and drastically accelerated onboarding. “Within the first three months of using Tray to automate identity management tasks, we’ve onboarded 106 contractors,” Wynn states.  “But the real testament to the power of automation is how much time we’re saving. We’ve been able to streamline 30% of manual IT tasks, which has helped us build out our IT practice and scale our capabilities without being required to scale our headcount. Now, we can now focus on bigger, more-impactful projects.”

One of the reasons Peddle considers itself a disruptor in the used car market is its strong focus on providing great customer service. By using low-code automation to expedite the majority of the auction process, Peddle has substantially enhanced accuracy and timeliness when communicating with buyers and sellers.

100% Billing Accuracy

We’ve been able to automate away 30% of manual IT tasks, which has helped us build out our IT practice and scale our capabilities without being required to scale our headcount.

Daniel Wynn
Daniel Wynn, Director of IT

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