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ConnectWise integration + automation

ConnectWise integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust ConnectWise connector, which connects any services without the need for separate integration tools.


Limitless ConnectWise integrations

Take full control of the data in your ConnectWise instance with simple yet powerful low-code integrations on the Tray Platform. Build fully customizable ConnectWise integrations in minutes, without developer resources. 

With the ConnectWise connector for the Tray Platform, you can extend the functionality of ConnectWise through API integrations that flow data across your tech stack. Do it all using our visual, drag-and-drop interface. You won’t need technical experience to stand up high-impact integrations that boost efficiency and drive revenue. 

Create, sync, and manage your records in ConnectWise, including opportunities, tickets, contacts, companies, billings, and campaigns. Tap into robust ConnectWise automation to streamline IT management and satisfy use cases across your organization. Augment existing ConnectWise workflows with data from other systems. Track and manage cross-functional projects by syncing ConnectWise data bi-directionally between SaaS tools. 

ConnectWise Connector Details

UsesSales, Marketing
CategoryCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)
Connector TypeTray Connector
Raw HTTP request (advanced)List invoicesCreate companyCreate company typeCreate company type associationCreate contactList communication typesList company types
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Tray allows us to integrate two very important systems and achieve seamless and efficient workflows. We have also been impressed by how flexible and customer-centric the Tray team is. We’re glad to have a partner that is not only reliable but also easy to work with.

Vice President, Business Systems

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
