Expensify integration + automation

Expensify integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust Expensify connector, which connects any services without the need for separate integration tools.

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Fast + easy Expensify integrations

Build your own custom Expensify integrations faster and easier than ever before on the low-code Tray Platform. Our easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface empowers anyone to create API integrations with any other data source across your tech stack. Take full control of your Expensify data and seamlessly manage expense reports on the Tray Platform.

We make it easy to integrate Expensify with any of your go-to software tools. Our 100% visual, user-friendly interface lets business users stand up integrations in minutes—without relying on IT support. We can flow data across Expensify, flat files (such as CSVs), FTP, webhooks, and any cloud-based tool, even using data within custom fields. 

Expensify users can go beyond integrations and build powerful, multi-step automation. Turn your time-consuming, manual expense report approvals into high-impact workflows. The Tray Platform lets you bi-directionally sync expense data across your tech stack while massively boosting team productivity and efficiency.

Expensify Connector Details

UsesFinance and Accounting
CategoryFinance and Accounting
Connector TypeTray Connector
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Tray.io gave us efficiency by facilitating automation and centralizing info, so we could scale more quickly and focus valuable resources on more-strategic tasks across finance, operations, marketing, and customer success. It also gave us greater visibility into our business.

Jonathan Tartell, CPA VP of Operations and Finance

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
