LeafLink integration + automation

LeafLink integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust LeafLink connector, which connects any services without the need for separate integration tools.


Low-code LeafLink integration

Integrate your digital storefront with any data source and any application in your tech stack using the low-code Tray Platform. Customize LeafLink integrations with our easy-to-use drag-and-drop visual builder without requiring IT support.

Use our powerful platform to stand up LeafLink integrations for your digital store. Bi-directionally sync LeafLink and any data source, at the API level, including flat files (such as CSVs), FTP, email, and webhooks—even using data in custom fields.

Build powerful automated LeafLink workflows to increase revenue and customer loyalty with the Tray Platform. Increase sales and streamline your order fulfillment and logistics with LeafLink automation.

LeafLink Connector Details

CategoryContact Management
Connector TypeTray Connector
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Our company is very happy with the Tray Platform’s flexibility. The platform’s ability to push data has empowered us to drastically improve marketing processes.

Senior Consumer Marketing Manager

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
