Paylocity and Slack integration + automation

Paylocity and Slack integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust Paylocity and Slack connectors, which can connect to any service without the need for separate integration tools.

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Unlimited Paylocity + Slack integrations

Get the absolute most out of your chat and payroll apps with custom Paylocity + Slack integrations on the low-code Tray Platform. Any business user can utilize our 100% visual builder to rapidly connect any data source, including spreadsheets, flat files (such as CSVs), FTPs, webhooks, and any other cloud-based tool—even using data within custom fields.

You don’t need extensive IT support to deeply connect your internal chat tool, payroll software, and any other data source at the API level. Need Paylocity + Slack connectors to execute frictionless payments? Now, you can flow chat and payroll data anywhere across your tech stack and maximize process efficiency.

Integrations are only the beginning. The Tray Platform also empowers you to stand up Paylocity + Slack automation to streamline chat and payroll processes at scale. Anyone can use our platform to build flexible, multi-step automation to minimize manual administrative tasks and drive productivity. Now, you can accelerate time-off approvals, make payroll distribution a breeze, and drive employee retention.

Paylocity and Slack Connector Details



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CategoryHuman Resources Information Systems (HRIS)
Connector TypeTray Connector
Get company specific schemaAdd employee to onboardingCreate employeeCreate/Update primary state taxCreate local taxCreate staged employeeCreate/Update earningCreate/Update employee benefit setupCreate/Update non-primary state taxDelete earningDelete local taxGet employee
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On Slack eventOn action (button or menu click)On slash command
Connector TypeTray Connector
Leave conversationAdd reminderArchive conversationConversation exists?Create conversationCreate pinDelete scheduled messageGenerate channel nameGet conversation infoGet userGet user by emailInvite user to conversationand 1 more...
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Using the Tray Platform, we not only save hours of manual work by reducing manual entry, but we’re also scaling onboarding and employee account provisioning with automation.

HR Business Partner, Social Media Leader

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
