Namely integration + automation

Namely integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust Namely connector, which connects any services without the need for separate integration tools.

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Build Namely API integrations with ease

Your HRM software doesn’t live in a vacuum. Many HR teams have specialized apps for recruiting, training, and performance and feedback. At the same time, you need to connect your HR systems with accounting and data tools. The low-code Tray Platform empowers anyone to quickly and easily create API integrations between Namely and all other tools and data sources throughout your organization.

Build integrations visually, using the Tray Platform’s drag-and-drop interface to sync data bi-directionally across Namely and the rest of your tech stack without relying on extensive IT resources. The Tray Platform can connect to any flat file (such as CSVs), software application, or data source—including data within custom fields, spreadsheets, and emails.

With Namely integrations powered by the Tray Platform, HR teams can spend less time updating data across different systems and more time on developing a world-class workforce. And integrations are just the beginning: Our platform lets you create multi-step, automated workflows that can scale your existing HR processes and supercharge internal efficiency.

Namely Connector Details

CategoryHuman Resources Information Systems (HRIS)
Connector TypeTray Connector
Create profileList profiles Get profileUpdate profile
View documentation

Using the Tray Platform, we not only save hours of manual work by reducing manual entry, but we’re also scaling onboarding and employee account provisioning with automation.

HR Business Partner, Social Media Leader

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
