Acuity Scheduling integration + automation

Acuity Scheduling integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust Acuity Scheduling connector, which connects any services without the need for separate integration tools.

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Easy Acuity Scheduling integrations

Take scheduling processes to the next level with Acuity Scheduling integrations. Using the low-code Tray Platform, any business user can stand up powerful integrations in minutes. Easily build Acuity Scheduling integrations with every app in your stack by yourself, instead of having to rely on IT.

To stand up seamless scheduling integrations, you’ll need more than an Acuity Scheduling connector. Our visual, drag-and-drop builder makes it easy to bi-directionally sync Acuity Scheduling with any application at the API level. Now you can connect Acuity Scheduling with any data source, including FTP, email, webhooks, flat files such as CSVs, and any cloud app, even using data within custom fields.

Not only can you build powerful integrations with the Tray Platform, but you can also build customized Acuity Scheduling automation. With our platform, you can streamline your entire scheduling process, improve meeting attendance, and skip the hours of manual work.

Acuity Scheduling Connector Details

CategoryScheduling and Time Tracking
Connector TypeTray Connector
Cancel appointmentCheck slot availabilityCreate appointmentCreate blockDelete blockGet appointmentList calendarsGet blockList clientsList formsList appointment typesList appointments

By connecting our growth stack, we personalized messaging at scale for hundreds of thousands of customers and doubled our engagement rates.

Senior Director Growth, New Relic
New Relic

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
