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ConnectWise and Xero integration + automation

ConnectWise and Xero integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust ConnectWise and Xero connectors, which can connect to any service without the need for separate integration tools.


Unlimited Xero + ConnectWise integrations

Rapidly scale your accounting and IT management processes with quick and easy ConnectWise + Xero integrations on the low-code Tray Platform. Our platform makes it easy to flow data wherever you need and unsilo your tech stack. Quickly connect Xero, ConnectWise, and any other go-to application using our intuitive, drag-and-drop builder. 

You don’t need extensive IT resources to stand up powerful integrations on the Tray Platform. Need ConnectWise + Xero connectors? Our platform empowers you to bi-directionally sync ConnectWise + Xero and any other data source at the API level, including flat files (such as CSVs), FTP, email, webhooks, and any cloud software—even using data within custom fields. 

And easy integrations are just the beginning. You can also use our platform to build and deploy game-changing Xero + ConnectWise automation. Launch dynamic, multi-step workflows to take full control of your IT management and accounting data, save hours of manual work, and maximize productivity. 

ConnectWise and Xero Connector Details



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UsesSales, Marketing
CategoryCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)
Connector TypeTray Connector
Raw HTTP request (advanced)List invoicesCreate companyCreate company typeCreate company type associationCreate contactList communication typesList company types
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UsesFinance and Accounting
CategoryFinance and Accounting
List tenancies DDLWebhook
Connector TypeTray Connector
List tenanciesApply paymentsCreate bank transferCreate contactsCreate invoice notesCreate update bank transactionCreate/update invoiceDelete invoiceDelete paymentEmail invoiceGet a paymentGet accountand 10 more...
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Tray allows us to integrate two very important systems and achieve seamless and efficient workflows. We have also been impressed by how flexible and customer-centric the Tray team is. We’re glad to have a partner that is not only reliable but also easy to work with.

Vice President, Business Systems

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
