Formstack integration + automation

Formstack integrations couldn’t be easier with the Tray platform’s robust Formstack connector, which connects any services without the need for separate integration tools.


Low-code Formstack integrations

Easily integrate Formstack with any data source in your tech stack. The low-code Tray Platform’s 100% visual interface empowers business users to build their own custom Formstack integrations—no IT support required. Flow prospect, customer, and employee data from your online forms and surveys across all of your favorite systems. 

You can connect the Formstack API with any data source, including flat files (such as CSVs), FTP, email, webhooks, and any other cloud tool, including data within custom fields. Drag and drop together Formstack integrations fast that sync with your forms, documents, and e-signatures.

You can also use our platform to easily stand up custom Formstack automation. Now, you can integrate and automate Formstack to bi-directionally sync your form data with any application. Save hours of manual work and streamline your most business-critical processes. Do more, faster with the Tray Platform.

Formstack Connector Details

UsesMarketing, All
CategorySurveys and Forms
List forms DDLDelete webhookList webhooksWebhook
Connector TypeTray Connector
List field typesGet field typeUpdate field typeDelete field typeList foldersCreate folderGet folderUpdate folderDelete folderList submissionsGet submissionUpdate submission
View documentation

The Tray Platform gives us speed, agility, visibility, and cost savings. And better yet, it lets us be proactive with our marketing in a way that we couldn’t before. It has become a core part of our marketing infrastructure.

David Dorman of Digital Ocean works with
David Dorman, Director of Growth and Demand Generation

Tray is the leading AI ready integration and automation platform
