Operations (sample payloads)
Main operationsCopy
Add to Collection (advanced)Copy
Add a value to a collection from which a range of elements can be later received. NOTE: If you don't require queue-like functionality, consider using other operations for manipulating lists. For queue-like behavior, consider using AWS SQS Connector.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Current Run",3"collection_name": "user_ids",4"value": 123455}
Sample Output
Append to ListCopy
Append a value to a list under the given key. The value can also be a list, resulting their concatenation.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Workflow",3"key": "user_preferences",4"value": "dark_mode",5"create_if_missing": true,6"append_array_as_single_item": false7}
Sample Output
Atomic IncrementCopy
Increment a numeric value atomically. Can be used concurrently from multiple executions.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Workflow",3"key": "visitor_count",4"value_to_add": 15}
Sample Output
1{2"value": 423}
Await Get ValueCopy
Wait for a value under a specified key, until it's available
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Workflow",3"key": "user_data",4"timeout": 1205}
Sample Output
1{2"timeout": 0,3"value": {4"name": "John Doe",5"email": "john.doe@example.com",6"age": 307}8}
Delete from ListCopy
Delete a given index in a list
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Current Run",3"key": "shopping_list",4"index": 25}
Sample Output
Delete ValueCopy
Delete a value under a key, in the given scope.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Workflow",3"key": "user_preferences"4}
Sample Output
Get All KeysCopy
Get all the currently existing keys from storage and optionally their values from the given scope. If more than 10 keys are available only the first 10 of them will be retrieved together with a key to be used in a subsequent get_all request in order to fetch the next batch.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Workflow",3"include_values": true,4"page_size": 55}
Sample Output
1{2"items": [3{4"key": "user_preferences",5"created": "2023-05-15T10:30:00Z",6"value": {7"theme": "dark",8"notifications": true9}10},11{12"key": "last_sync_date",13"created": "2023-05-14T18:45:22Z",14"value": "2023-05-14T18:45:22Z"15},16{17"key": "api_key",18"created": "2023-05-10T09:00:00Z",19"value": "abc123xyz789"20},21{22"key": "active_users",23"created": "2023-05-13T14:20:15Z",24"value": [25"john@example.com",26"jane@example.com",27"bob@example.com"28]29},30{31"key": "config_version",32"created": "2023-05-12T11:11:11Z",33"value": 2.134}35],36"next_page_reference": "eyJsYXN0X2tleCI6ImNvbmZpZ192ZXJzaW9uIn0="37}
Get ValueCopy
Get a value from under a key, that was set earlier in the given scope.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Workflow",3"key": "user_preferences",4"default_value": {5"theme": "light",6"notifications": true7}8}
Sample Output
1{2"value": {3"theme": "dark",4"notifications": false,5"language": "en"6}7}
Set ValueCopy
Set a value under a key, in the given scope.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Workflow",3"key": "user_preferences",4"value": {5"theme": "dark",6"notifications": true,7"language": "en"8},9"force_store_in_older_format": false10}
Sample Output
Set Value in ListCopy
Set value under a given index in a list
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Current Run",3"key": "shopping_list",4"index": 2,5"value": "Milk",6"create_if_missing": true7}
Sample Output
Shift Collection (advanced)Copy
Get and remove number of items from the end of a collection. NOTE: If you don't require queue-like functionality, consider using other operations for manipulating lists. For queue-like behavior, consider using AWS SQS Connector.
Sample Input
1{2"scope": "Current Run",3"collection_name": "order_queue",4"amount": 35}
Sample Output
1{2"values": [3{4"created": "2023-05-15T14:30:00Z",5"data": {6"orderId": "ORD-1234",7"customerName": "John Doe",8"totalAmount": 99.999}10},11{12"created": "2023-05-15T14:31:00Z",13"data": {14"orderId": "ORD-1235",15"customerName": "Jane Smith",16"totalAmount": 149.9917}18},19{20"created": "2023-05-15T14:32:00Z",21"data": {22"orderId": "ORD-1236",23"customerName": "Bob Johnson",24"totalAmount": 79.9925}26}27]28}