Operations (sample payloads)
Main operationsCopy
Execute Asynchronous ScriptCopy
Execute a block of JavaScript code asynchronously.
Sample Input
1{2"variables": [3{4"name": "firstName",5"value": "John"6},7{8"name": "lastName",9"value": "Doe"10},11{12"name": "age",13"value": 3014}15],16"script_async": "exports.step = function(input, fileInput) {\n const fullName = input.firstName + ' ' + input.lastName;\n return {\n fullName: fullName,\n age: input.age,\n isAdult: input.age >= 18\n };\n};",17"files": [],18"file_output": false19}
Sample Output
1{2"result": {3"fullName": "John Doe",4"age": 30,5"isAdult": true6}7}
Execute ScriptCopy
Execute a block of JavaScript code.
Sample Input
1{2"variables": [3{4"name": "firstName",5"value": "John"6},7{8"name": "lastName",9"value": "Doe"10},11{12"name": "age",13"value": 3014}15],16"script": "exports.step = function(input, fileInput) {\n const fullName = input.firstName + ' ' + input.lastName;\n return {\n fullName: fullName,\n age: input.age,\n isAdult: input.age >= 18\n };\n};",17"files": [],18"file_output": false19}
Sample Output
1{2"result": {3"fullName": "John Doe",4"age": 30,5"isAdult": true6}7}