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Date & Time Helpers
Operations (sample payloads)
Date & Time Helpers Operations
Latest version:
Add to date
Add a number of duration types to a time value. Returns a UTC ISO string.
Compare dates
Compare two date/time values.
Compare times
Compare two time values, ignoring the dates/days.
Date is in the last...
Allows you to easily check if a given date has occurred in the last X number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
Format date
Format date to a desired format.
Get current timestamp
Returns the current date and time in a date string format (ISO 8601).
Get date property
Returns a number value from a date, such as the year, the day of the month, or the hour of the day.
Get day of week
Returns the day of the week for a given date. e.g. "Saturday" or "Tuesday"
Get days between
Get the number of days between two dates, rounded to the nearest day. If the second date is before the first date, the result will be negative.
Get duration
Given a total number of seconds, minutes, etc - return human readable text containing how long the duration was approximately, in the units of your choosing.
Get time between
Get the time between two dates, as hh:mm:ss. If the second date is before the first date, the result will be negative.
Get time from now
Returns a human readable date relative to the current time, such as "in 2 months", or "4 days ago".
Is between dates?
Check to see whether a date falls within a date range
Is between times?
Check to see whether a time falls within a time range, ignoring the dates/days.
Is business hours?
Check to see if it's business hours or not, given a date in a given timezone.
Is weekend?
Check to see if it's the weekend or not, given a date in a given timezone.
Minus from date
Subtract a number of duration types from a time value. Returns a UTC ISO string.
Operations (sample payloads)