Object Helpers 4.1
Object Helpers enable you to create, interact with and manipulate objects
The Object Helpers connector allows you to interact with objects more easily and efficiently, depending on your workflow needs.
Think of it as a 'tidier' way of dealing with data from multiple steps, sources and / or databases.
It primarily helps users alter their data into a format which subsequent steps can then work with more proficiently.
See our operation summaries below for more ideas and information on your potential data manipulation options.
USER TIP: A user can also use the Object Helper to create an object from the data gathered throughout the workflow steps, and then send said object to another workflow using the Callable Trigger. See our documentation for more details.
Object Helper TemplatesCopy
Below are some relevant templates you may wish to use or learn from. The full range can be found in our Templates Library.
Templates demonstrate pre-configured best practices / common use cases as well as examples of how to use this connector and how best to integrate it with others.
IMPORTANT! Please make sure you read the notes and instructional sections on this page before using any of these templates. A basic understanding of this connector's capabilities will help avoid potential pitfalls during your own build process.
Collect LinkedIn lead-gen form responses
Sends lead-gen form answers from LinkedIn to a destination of your choice
Sync Salesloft Accounts to HubSpot Companies
Syncs any updated or new accounts in Salesloft over to HubSpot as companies
Create Salesforce accts / opps with Slack modal
Presents users with a referral form in Slack to create a new account / opportunity in Salesforce
Important notesCopy
Compatible objectsCopy
Incompatible objects will not always stop your workflow from running.
Please make sure that your 'object types' are compatible i.e. what your Object Helper is expecting to retrieve. Such as an array of objects vs a single object, or that the formatting of the objects themselves are correct.
Add Key / Value pairsCopy
Adds fields to a pre-existing object
Or creates a new object from scratch
Then returns everything in the form of a 'new' single object
USER TIP: If you need to update/ create a new Value based off a pre-existing Key, use the Add Value by Key operation instead.
Add Value by KeyCopy
Updates the value of a particular field
USER TIP: If you need to return a singular object (i.e. create both the Value and the Key in question), use the Add Key/ Value pairs operation instead.
Checks if an object contains a particular field.
True if an object contains your specified field
False if otherwise
USER TIP: If you need to return the Value of the data itself, use the Get Value by Key operation instead.
Delete Key / Value pairCopy
Allows you to delete a particular field from an object
Enforce Object StructureCopy
Defines a structure that the object MUST adhere to
Once confirmed any additional fields from the input are also included
USER TIP: You may find that our Fallback values feature a more effective and simpler way to deal with inconsistent data - especially when Service APIs do not return anything at all for fields with missing values and can cause errors in subsequent steps trying to pull those fields.
Allows you to check if two objects are the same.
True if the object has exactly the same fields and values as the comparative
False if otherwise
USER TIP: If you need to find the difference between two objects, use the Find Difference operation instead.
Find DifferenceCopy
Compares two fields or objects.
The differences if there are any
Empty if none found
USER TIP: If you need to return a boolean indicator based off the difference between two objects use the Equals operation instead.
Get Value by KeyCopy
Allows you to retrieve the value of a particular field
USER TIP: If you need to return a boolean result use the Contain operation instead.
Iterative transformCopy
Goes through the fields available and alters them as requested (capitalize, camelCase etc.)
JSON ParseCopy
Takes JSON code and returns it as an object
USER TIP: If you need to turn an object into a sting use the JSON Stringify operation instead.
JSON StringifyCopy
Takes an object and transforms it into a JSON string
USER TIP: If you need to turn an string into an object use the JSON Parse operation instead.
Map KeysCopy
Allows you to change the field name referenced and replace it with your preferred name
USER TIP: Check out our documentation on the Data Mapper core connector for more potential mapping use cases and operations.
Merge two objectsCopy
Allows you to merge two objects into one
The primary object is the main point of reference
Pick Values by KeysCopy
Allows you to return a Value by its reference field
Properties ExistCopy
This operation checks if the fields mentioned exist and returns:
A list of found items
A list of not found items
As well as a True/ False value for the original query
Remove Null ValuesCopy
Allows you to Delete any fields with null or empty values