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Text Helpers
Operations (sample payloads)
Text Helpers Operations
Latest version:
Base64 Encoder/Decoder
Base64 encode/decode a specified value.
Change type
Change the type of a value.
Concatenate a list of texts, using a separator if provided.
Check if text contains a particular pattern.
Escape characters
Escape characters from a string, specified in the input.
Extract all by Regular Expression
Extract a list of matches when a regular expression is applied to a given text.
Extract by Regular Expression
Extract the first match when a regular expression is applied to a given text.
Extract URLs
Extract all of the URLs from a given piece of text, returning them as a list.
Format currency
Format currency to the specified denomination.
Generate unique name
Given the name of an object (e.g. an account), and a list of one or more existing object names, generate a unique name by appending "(n)" on the end of the name.
Get domain from email address
Given a user's email address, extract the website domain.
Get domain from URL
Given a website URL, extract the full website domain.
Get first middle last name
Given a user's full name, extract their first, middle and last name.
Get text after
Given a string and a pattern, this operation will return the substring between where the pattern was found depending on the match number and beginning of the string.
Get text before
Given a string and a pattern, this operation will return the substring between the beginning of the string and where the pattern was found depending on the match number.
Get text between
Extract the text between a start and an end pattern, searching in a longer piece of text.
Get text length
Get the length of a string.
Hex Encoder/Decoder
Hex encode/decode a specified string.
Is domain?
Check if a string is a valid domain.
Is email?
Check if a string is a valid email address.
Is generic domain?
Check if a website domain is a "generic" domain, such as gmail.com or hotmail.com.
Is numeric?
Check if a text string is a number.
Check if a string is a valid URL.
Lower case
Convert a string to lower case.
Retrieve the result of matching a string against a regular expression.
Parse email
Parse out an email address (such as "Name <name@domain.com>") into its component parts such as name and domain.
Parse email list
Parse out a list of email addresses (such as "Name <name@domain.com>") into component parts such as name and domain.
Parse URL
Parse a URL string to get each of the core components of the URL (path, query string, etc...).
Proper case
Upper case the first character of every word in the text passed.
Regular expression match test
Checks if a piece of text matches a regular expression. Returns true if it matches, false otherwise.
Remove characters
Remove character(s) from a given string.
Remove special characters
Remove all non-alpha numeric characters (including spaces) from a string.
Replace a pattern in a text string with something else.
Select first n characters
Select the first n characters from a string.
Select last n characters
Select the last n characters from a string.
Sentence case
Convert a string to sentence case.
Shorten text to a maximum allowed length.
Split text by a character into an list of words.
Strip HTML Tags
Strip all HTML tags from the input text leaving only the tag's text content
Trim whitespace
Returns the specified string with the leading and trailing spaces removed.
Typecast a specified value.
Convert some text to "snake case", lowercasing all text, removing special characters, and replacing spaces with underscores.
Upper case
Convert a string to upper case.
URL encode key/value pairs
URL encode a specified set of key/value pairs. Strings only.
URL encode/decode
URL encode/decode a specified string.
Operations (sample payloads)