Operations (sample payloads)
Main operationsCopy
Base64 Encoder/DecoderCopy
Base64 encode/decode a specified value.
Sample Input
1{2"value": "Hello, World!",3"operation": "encode"4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=="3}
Change typeCopy
Change the type of a value.
Sample Input
1{2"value": "42",3"type2": "number"4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": 423}
Concatenate a list of texts, using a separator if provided.
Sample Input
1{2"values": [3"Hello",4"world",5"from",6"Tray.io"7],8"separator": " "9}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Hello world from Tray.io"3}
Check if text contains a particular pattern.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",3"pattern": "fox"4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": true3}
Escape charactersCopy
Escape characters from a string, specified in the input.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, world! This is a test string with special characters: $100 & 50% off!",3"special_characters": [4"$",5"&",6"%",7"!"8]9}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Hello, world\\! This is a test string with special characters: \\$100 \\& 50\\% off\\!"3}
Extract all by Regular ExpressionCopy
Extract a list of matches when a regular expression is applied to a given text.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The dog barks at 3 cats.",3"regex": "/[a-zA-Z]+/",4"flags": {5"ignore_case": true,6"multiline": false,7"unicode": false,8"sticky": false9}10}
Sample Output
1{2"result": [3"The",4"quick",5"brown",6"fox",7"jumps",8"over",9"the",10"lazy",11"dog",12"The",13"dog",14"barks",15"at",16"cats"17]18}
Extract by Regular ExpressionCopy
Extract the first match when a regular expression is applied to a given text.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, my email is john.doe@example.com and my phone number is 123-456-7890.",3"regex": "\\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\\b",4"flags": {5"ignore_case": true,6"multiline": false,7"unicode": false,8"sticky": false9}10}
Sample Output
1{2"result": [3"john.doe@example.com"4]5}
Extract URLsCopy
Extract all of the URLs from a given piece of text, returning them as a list.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Check out these websites: https://www.example.com and http://blog.example.org. For more information, visit https://docs.example.net/guide or www.example.io."3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": [3"https://www.example.com",4"http://blog.example.org",5"https://docs.example.net/guide",6"www.example.io"7]8}
Format currencyCopy
Format currency to the specified denomination.
Sample Input
1{2"currency": "USD",3"amount": 1234567.89,4"decimal_digits": 2,5"decimal_separator": ".",6"thousands_separator": ","7}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "$1,234,567.89"3}
Generate unique nameCopy
Given the name of an object (e.g. an account), and a list of one or more existing object names, generate a unique name by appending "(n)" on the end of the name.
Sample Input
1{2"name": "Sales Report",3"existing_names": [4"Sales Report",5"Sales Report (1)",6"Sales Report (2)",7"Marketing Report",8"Financial Report"9]10}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Sales Report (3)"3}
Get domain from email addressCopy
Given a user's email address, extract the website domain.
Sample Input
1{2"email": "john.doe@example.com"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "example.com"3}
Get domain from URLCopy
Given a website URL, extract the full website domain.
Sample Input
1{2"url": "https://www.example.com/path/to/page?param=value",3"exclude_www": true4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "example.com"3}
Get first middle last nameCopy
Given a user's full name, extract their first, middle and last name.
Sample Input
1{2"full_name": "John Michael Smith"3}
Sample Output
1{2"first_name": "John",3"middle_name": "Michael",4"last_name": "Smith"5}
Get text afterCopy
Given a string and a pattern, this operation will return the substring between where the pattern was found depending on the match number and beginning of the string.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello world! This is a sample text. Hello again!",3"pattern": "Hello",4"match_number": 25}
Sample Output
1{2"result": " again!"3}
Get text beforeCopy
Given a string and a pattern, this operation will return the substring between the beginning of the string and where the pattern was found depending on the match number.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello world! This is a sample text. Hello again!",3"pattern": "Hello",4"match_number": 25}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Hello world! This is a sample text. "3}
Get text betweenCopy
Extract the text between a start and an end pattern, searching in a longer piece of text.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The fox is very agile.",3"start_pattern": "The",4"end_pattern": "dog."5}
Sample Output
1{2"result": " quick brown fox jumps over the lazy "3}
Get text lengthCopy
Get the length of a string.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, world! This is a sample text."3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": 343}
Hex Encoder/DecoderCopy
Hex encode/decode a specified string.
Sample Input
1{2"value": "Hello, World!",3"operation": "encode"4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "48656C6C6F2C20576F726C6421"3}
Is domain?Copy
Check if a string is a valid domain.
Sample Input
1{2"domain": "example.com"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": true3}
Is email?Copy
Check if a string is a valid email address.
Sample Input
1{2"email": "john.doe@example.com"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": true3}
Is generic domain?Copy
Check if a website domain is a "generic" domain, such as gmail.com or hotmail.com.
Sample Input
1{2"domain": "john.doe@gmail.com"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": true3}
Is numeric?Copy
Check if a text string is a number.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "42"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": true3}
Is URL?Copy
Check if a string is a valid URL.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "https://www.tray.io"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": true3}
Lower caseCopy
Convert a string to lower case.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "HELLO WORLD! This Is A Sample Text."3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "hello world! this is a sample text."3}
Retrieve the result of matching a string against a regular expression.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, World! This is a sample text with numbers 123 and special characters @#$.",3"regex": "\\b[a-zA-Z]+\\b",4"flags": {5"ignore_case": true,6"multiline": false,7"unicode": false,8"sticky": false,9"global": true10}11}
Sample Output
1{2"result": [3"Hello",4"World",5"This",6"is",7"a",8"sample",9"text",10"with",11"numbers",12"and",13"special",14"characters"15]16}
Parse emailCopy
Parse out an email address (such as "Name <name@domain.com>") into its component parts such as name and domain.
Sample Input
1{2"email": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": {3"valid": true,4"name": "John Doe",5"address": "john.doe@example.com",6"local": "john.doe",7"domain": "example.com"8}9}
Parse email listCopy
Parse out a list of email addresses (such as "Name <name@domain.com>") into component parts such as name and domain.
Sample Input
1{2"emails": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>, Jane Smith <jane.smith@company.org>, support@tray.io"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": [3{4"result": {5"valid": true,6"name": "John Doe",7"address": "john.doe@example.com",8"local": "john.doe",9"domain": "example.com"10}11},12{13"result": {14"valid": true,15"name": "Jane Smith",16"address": "jane.smith@company.org",17"local": "jane.smith",18"domain": "company.org"19}20},21{22"result": {23"valid": true,24"name": "",25"address": "support@tray.io",26"local": "support",27"domain": "tray.io"28}29}30]31}
Parse URLCopy
Parse a URL string to get each of the core components of the URL (path, query string, etc...).
Sample Input
1{2"url": "https://www.example.com:8080/path/to/page?param1=value1¶m2=value2#section1"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": {3"protocol": "https:",4"slashes": true,5"auth": null,6"host": "www.example.com:8080",7"port": "8080",8"hostname": "www.example.com",9"hash": "#section1",10"search": "?param1=value1¶m2=value2",11"query": {12"param1": "value1",13"param2": "value2"14},15"pathname": "/path/to/page",16"path": "/path/to/page?param1=value1¶m2=value2",17"href": "https://www.example.com:8080/path/to/page?param1=value1¶m2=value2#section1"18}19}
Proper caseCopy
Upper case the first character of every word in the text passed.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"3}
Regular expression match testCopy
Checks if a piece of text matches a regular expression. Returns true if it matches, false otherwise.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, World! This is a test string with numbers 123.",3"regex": "/[A-Za-z]+\\s\\d+/",4"flags": {5"ignore_case": true,6"multiline": false,7"unicode": false,8"sticky": false,9"global": true10}11}
Sample Output
1{2"result": true3}
Remove charactersCopy
Remove character(s) from a given string.
Sample Input
1{2"string_to_check": "Hello, World! How are you?",3"characters_to_remove": "o"4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Hell, Wrld! Hw are yu?"3}
Remove special charactersCopy
Remove all non-alpha numeric characters (including spaces) from a string.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, World! How are you? 123 #$%"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "HelloWorldHowareyou123"3}
Replace a pattern in a text string with something else.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, World! Hello, Universe!",3"pattern": "Hello",4"replacement": "Greetings",5"replace_all": true,6"case_sensitive": true7}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Greetings, World! Greetings, Universe!"3}
Select first n charactersCopy
Select the first n characters from a string.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",3"number_of_characters": 104}
Sample Output
1{2"first_characters": "The quick "3}
Select last n charactersCopy
Select the last n characters from a string.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, World!",3"number_of_characters": 54}
Sample Output
1{2"last_characters": "orld!"3}
Sentence caseCopy
Convert a string to sentence case.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG. a second sentence here. and a third one."3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. A second sentence here. And a third one."3}
Shorten text to a maximum allowed length.
Sample Input
1{2"max_length": 20,3"text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",4"text_to_append": "...",5"only_full_words": true6}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "The quick brown..."3}
Split text by a character into an list of words.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "apple,banana,cherry,date",3"split_by": ","4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": [3"apple",4"banana",5"cherry",6"date"7]8}
Strip HTML TagsCopy
Strip all HTML tags from the input text leaving only the tag's text content
Sample Input
1{2"text": "<p>Welcome to <strong>Tray.io</strong>! Check out our <a href='https://tray.io/documentation'>documentation</a> for more information.</p>"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Welcome to Tray.io! Check out our documentation for more information."3}
Trim whitespaceCopy
Returns the specified string with the leading and trailing spaces removed.
Sample Input
1{2"text": " Hello, World! "3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Hello, World!"3}
Typecast a specified value.
Sample Input
1{2"value": "42"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": 423}
Convert some text to "snake case", lowercasing all text, removing special characters, and replacing spaces with underscores.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello World! This is a Sample Text."3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "hello_world_this_is_a_sample_text"3}
Upper caseCopy
Convert a string to upper case.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello, World!"3}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "HELLO, WORLD!"3}
URL encode key/value pairsCopy
URL encode a specified set of key/value pairs. Strings only.
Sample Input
1{2"pairs": {3"name": "John Doe",4"email": "john.doe@example.com",5"query": "Where is the nearest café?",6"location": "New York, NY"7}8}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "name=John%20Doe&email=john.doe%40example.com&query=Where%20is%20the%20nearest%20caf%C3%A9%3F&location=New%20York%2C%20NY"3}
URL encode/decodeCopy
URL encode/decode a specified string.
Sample Input
1{2"text": "Hello World! How are you?",3"encode": "encode"4}
Sample Output
1{2"result": "Hello%20World%21%20How%20are%20you%3F"3}