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Create contact record
Add a contact record to a list
Delete contact record
Delete a contact record in a list
Get contact record
Retrieve an individual contact record by ID
Get contact record fact and score data
Get a contact record's activity facts and scores.
Get list
Retrieve a list using their ID
Get message report
Get a report on the specified message.
Get message report drilldown
Get a drilldown report for a specific email message
Get upsert upload status
Check whether upsert async contact record upload is complete
List all lists
Retrieve a list of all lists in Act-On
List messages
List messages
List subscription categories
Get a list of subscriptions listed by category.
List subscription categories DDL
List subscription category opt ins by email
Get a list of categories that an email address has explicitly opted into.
List subscription opt outs
Get a list of records specifically opted out of a specific category
Opt in / Opt out email from multiple subscription categories
Add/remove individual records from multiple subscription category by email address.
Opt in / Opt out email from subscription category
Add/remove individual contact records from a subscription category by email address
Update contact record
Update a contact record in a list using its ID
Upsert contact record
Update an existing record or insert a new contact record using the email address that you specify using the following logic. If the email address exists in the list, only the first record matching that email address is updated with the data you provide. If the email address is not already in the list, a new record is added. Please take note that this means that any duplicate records are NOT updated.