Artisan IMG > Amazon Athena (amazon-athena) (018ab77b-e867-4a7f-96f9-078abcd0e780)

Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.


Amazon Athena is a service that enables a data analyst to perform interactive queries in the Amazon Web Services public cloud on data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Because Athena is a serverless query service, an analyst doesn't need to manage any underlying compute infrastructure to use it.


Within the workflow builder, highlight the Amazon Athena connector.

In the Amazon Athena connector properties panel to the right of the builder, click on the Authenticate tab and the 'Add new authentication' button.

This will result in a authentication pop-up modal. The first page will ask you to name your authentication and select the type of authentication you wish to create ('Personal' or 'Organisational').

The next page asks you for your 'AWS Access Key' and 'AWS Secret Key' credentials.

Users receive the required AWS Access and Secret key when they add a new user to the AWS console. See below for more details.

If you don't have these security credentials (AWS access and secret key) already saved somewhere, then you will need to generate new credentials for the user you wish to authenticate with.

To create a new access key, head to your AWS console and navigate to the 'Identity and Access Management (IAM)' page. On this page, under the 'Security credentials' tab, create a new key using the 'Create access key' button.

Once you click on the 'Create access key' button, follow along with the said instructions.

Once you have added these fields to your authentication pop-up window, click the 'Create authentication' button.

Go back to your settings authentication field (within the workflow builder properties panel), and select the recently added authentication from the dropdown options now available.

Your connector authentication setup should now be complete.