Artisan IMG > Atlassian (atlassian) (82d70b98-7887-4220-87fc-53d05a792655)


Manage organizations and users in Atlassian


The Atlassian connector allows you to list and query organizations, users in organizations and audit logs.


To authenticate with Atlassian you will need to generate a new API key. Instructions can be found here on how to generate this token.

It's important to note that when generating a key, the default expiration date of this token is 7 days. We recommend that you change this to the maximum which is a year. This will mean that you will still have to reauthenticate when the token is due to expire.

Once an API key has been generated on Atlassian. Log in to, create a workflow and drag in the Atlassian connector. From the input panel click on the New authentication button

You can then name your authentication and in the API Key field provide the API key that was generated by Atlassian.

Once the API key has been added, click Add authentication button. You are now set up and ready to use the Atlassian connector.

Note on Operations usage

IMPORTANT!: Please note that the Confluence

'List Users' operations

are under the

Atlassian Connector


This means that in the Confluence connector, when you want to list the users of confluence, you have to use an Atlassian connector in order to get them.

The Atlassian connector itself requires a different authentication process, one which requires you to have access to a 'Super API Key' (as detailed above).