Use cases

These examples showcase various ways to utilize the BambooHR connector, incorporating AI where it adds value to the workflow.

Remember that data transformations might be necessary between steps, especially when passing data between different services or preparing it for BambooHR operations. The JSON transformer, Script / Python connectors or Data Mapper could be useful for these transformations.

New Employee Onboarding Automation

Objective: Streamline the onboarding process for new employees by automating data entry and notifications.


  1. Trigger: Use a Form Trigger or a webhook from your hiring system when a new employee is hired.

  2. Add Employee: Use the add_employee operation to create a new employee record in BambooHR.

  3. Data Transformation: Use JSON Transformer to prepare data for additional operations.

  4. Add Employee Details: Use the update_employee operation to add more detailed information.

  5. Create IT Request: Use an HTTP Client to create a ticket in your IT system for equipment setup.

  6. Send Welcome Email: Use an Email connector to send a welcome email to the new employee.

  7. Slack Notification: Use a Slack connector to notify the HR team about the new employee.

Time Off Request Management

Objective: Automate the time off request process and keep relevant teams informed.


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to run daily and check for new time off requests.

  2. Fetch Requests: Use the get_time_off_requests operation to retrieve new time off requests.

  3. Data Filtering: Use a Loop connector and Boolean conditions to process each request.

  4. Approval Process: Use a Branch connector to handle different approval scenarios.

  5. Update Status: Use the change_request_status operation to update the request status in BambooHR.

  6. Calendar Update: Use a Google Calendar connector to add approved time off to a team calendar.

  7. Notify Managers: Use an Email connector to inform managers about approved time off.

Employee Directory Sync with AI-Enhanced Profiles

Objective: Keep an up-to-date employee directory in a database or app, enriched with AI-generated summaries.


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to run weekly.

  2. Fetch Employees: Use the get_employee_directory operation to retrieve all employee data.

  3. Data Transformation: Use JSON Transformer to prepare data for processing.

  4. AI Enhancement: Use the Merlin Functions connector with the generate_text operation to create brief professional summaries for each employee based on their role and department.

  5. Data Masking: Use the Merlin Guardian mask_data operation to obscure sensitive information like personal phone numbers or addresses.

  6. Sync to Database: Use a database connector (e.g., PostgreSQL) to upsert the employee data.

  7. Update Company Wiki: Use an HTTP Client to update a company wiki or intranet with the latest directory information.

Automated Employee Performance Review Preparation

Objective: Prepare performance review documents by gathering data from multiple sources.


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to run quarterly or as needed.

  2. Fetch Employee List: Use the get_employee_directory operation to get a list of employees due for review.

  3. Get Employee Details: Use the get_employee_by_id operation in a Loop connector to fetch detailed information for each employee.

  4. Fetch Performance Data: Use an HTTP Client to retrieve performance metrics from other systems (e.g., sales data, project management tools).

  5. AI Analysis: Use the Merlin Functions sentiment_analysis operation to analyze feedback comments.

  6. Generate Review Draft: Use an AI connector (e.g., OpenAI) to generate a draft performance review based on the gathered data.

  7. Create Document: Use a Google Docs connector to create a new document with the review draft.

  8. Notify Managers: Use an Email connector to inform managers that review drafts are ready for their input.

Company-wide Time Off Analysis

Objective: Analyze time off patterns and generate reports for HR planning.


  1. Trigger:Use a Scheduled Trigger to run monthly.

  2. Fetch Time Off Data: Use the get_time_off_requests operation to retrieve all time off data for the past month.

  3. Get Time Off Policies: Use the list_time_off_policies operation to fetch policy details.

  4. Data Transformation: Use JSON Transformer to prepare data for analysis.

  5. AI-Powered Analysis: Use the Merlin Functions classify_text operation to categorize time off reasons if available.

  6. Generate Insights: Use an AI connector (e.g., OpenAI) to generate insights and recommendations based on the time off patterns.

  7. Create Report: Use a Google Sheets connector to create a spreadsheet with the analysis results.

  8. Send Report: Use an Email connector to send the report to HR leadership.

AI-Powered Employee Sentiment Analysis

Objective: Analyze employee feedback and time off patterns to gauge overall employee sentiment.


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to run the workflow weekly.

  2. Fetch time off data: Use BambooHR's get_time_off_requests operation to retrieve recent time off requests.

  3. Fetch employee feedback: Use a survey tool like SurveyMonkey to collect recent employee feedback.

  4. Data masking: Use Merlin Guardian's mask_data operation to obscure any sensitive employee information.

  5. Sentiment analysis: Use Merlin Functions' sentiment_analysis operation to analyze the masked feedback data.

  6. Time off pattern analysis: Use the JSON Transformer to analyze time off patterns from BambooHR data.

  7. Generate report: Use Merlin Functions' generate_text operation to create a summary report of employee sentiment and time off trends.

  8. Share insights: Use Slack's send_message operation to share the report with HR leadership.

Automated Performance Review Process

Objective: Streamline the performance review process by automating data collection and report generation.


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to initiate the process at the start of the review period.

  2. Fetch employee data: Use BambooHR's get_employee_by_id operation to retrieve employee information.

  3. Collect peer feedback: Use a tool like 15Five to gather peer feedback for each employee.

  4. Fetch performance data: Use BambooHR's get_employee_table operation to retrieve performance-related data.

  5. Data compilation: Use the JSON Transformer to combine data from BambooHR and peer feedback.