Artisan IMG > Bing Ads (bing-ads) (73a8d6f8-7f05-4eff-9e37-d6acd1c0fc2d)

Bing Ads

Bing Ads is a service that provides pay per click advertising and analytics on Microsoft's Bing search engine.


The Bing Ads connector allows you to generate reports based on your Bing Ads analytics.


In order to create a new authentication with the Bing Ads connector, you must have on hand your Developer Token, Customer ID and Account ID.

Obtaining your Customer ID and Account ID might not be initially obvious, but these can be obtained by logging into your Bing Ads account via the web. Your Customer ID and Account ID can be viewed in the URL of the campaigns page as shown in the example:

Once this is done, you can click on the New Authentication button:

Check every scope to allow Tray the correct permissions, then proceed to log in to your Bing Ads account.

Available Operations

The examples below show one or two of the available connector operations in use.

Please see the Full Operations Reference at the end of this page for details on all available operations for this connector.


In the following example we create a workflow that generates a basic campaign report and retrieves the download URL for the report.

To begin with, create a workflow with a Manual Trigger, then add a step from the Bing Ads connector with the operation set to Generate campaign performance report. Specify a report name, Aggregation type and specify which columns the report that should be generated will be based off of.

Note: Any reports that are not Summary will require a Time period column to be added (as part of the attribute column). All reports require both an Attribute column and a Measurement column to be specified. A full list of columns, column compatibilty and column descriptions can be found directly on the Microsoft Bing Ads documentation.

In this example we will be generating a campaign report based off of Summary as displayed in this example:

Specify a Filter for the report, we will be filtering based on Paused campaigns, so we select Status then Paused from the drop down options, as shown in the example:

Next, select the Scope for the report to be generated on. We are going to use our current account as the focus of the report. So we select Account IDs, add an Account ID and enter our current account ID, as shown in the example (ID omitted):

As we are generating a Summary aggregation report, we do not need to include a date range for our report. We can simply specify a Predefined time in the Time drop-down list. We then specify Last four weeks as our Predefined time. We are also going to use Pacific Time as our Time zone, as shown in this example:

We can then run the operation to obtain a ReportRequestId in our output panel, as shown in the example:

Next, we want to be able to retrieve the report data itself. Add a step from the Bing Ads connector, and specify the operation as Get report download url, as shown in this example:

In order to get the relevant Report request ID, we need to add a JsonPath to retrieve the ID from the output of our Generate campaign report step, as shown in the example:

We can then view our successful report URl that has been generated in the output panel, as shown in the example:

This URL can be manually entered into a browser to get the report or can be passed into a separate step such as the File helpers connector.

Note: If the response returns a Pending status of the report, this is likely due to the report being quite large and therefore still being generated by Bing Ads. A step can be added from the Loop collection connector in order to only return a response once the status returns a Success result from Bing Ads.