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Bing Ads
Bing Ads Operations
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Find accounts or customers
Retrieve the identifiers, names, and numbers of accounts that are accessible from the specified customer.
Generate account performance report
Generate an account performance report.
Generate campaign performance report
Generate a campaign performance report.
Get account
Retrieve the details of an account.
Get customer
Retrieve the details of a customer.
Get report download URL
Get a download URL for the report ID.
Get user
Retrieve the details of a user.
List accounts
Retrieve the identifiers, names, and numbers of accounts that are accessible from the specified customer.
List accounts DDL
List ad groups by campaign ID
Retrieve a list of ad groups.
List ad groups by campaign ID DDL
List campaigns
Retrieve a list of campaigns in your account.
List campaigns DDL
List customers
Retrieve the identifiers and names of customers that are accessible to the current authenticated user.
List customers DDL
List users
Retrieve a list of the users for a specific customer.
List users DDL
Search accounts
Search for accounts that match the request criteria.
Search customers
Search for customers that match the request criteria.
Search user invitations
Search for user invitations that match the request criteria.
Update ad groups
Update ad groups belonging to a specific campaign.
Update campaigns
Updates specified campaigns in a specified account.