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Add partner
Add a partner to your event.
Create contact
Add a new contact to your Bizzabo account.
Create registration
Add a registration to your Bizzabo account.
Create session
Create a new session in your event.
Delete contact
Delete an existing contact from the Bizzabo platform. Contacts include ticket holders as well as non-ticket holders, as well as speakers, exhibitors and attendees.
Delete partner
Delete a partner.
Delete session
Delete a session from your agenda.
Get contact
Retrieve a specific contact.
Get contact property
Retrieve a contact property.
Get event
Retrieves a specific event.
Get partner
Retrieve information of a specific partner at a specified event.
Get registration
Retrieves a specific registration.
Get registration type
Retrieve a registration type.
Get session
Retrieves a specific session.
Get speaker
Retrieve the details of a specific speaker.
List agenda registration rules
Retrieve a list of all of the ticket rules for a session registration. Rules are set by ticket type and restrict the visibility of specific sessions on the registration form.
List agenda settings
Retrieves all the settings of the Agenda as defined by the organizer.
List contact properties
Retrieves a list of contact properties.
List contact properties DDL
List contacts DDL
List contacts lists
Retrieves a list of contacts lists in a specific event.
List contacts lists DDL
List contacts of an account
Retrieves a list of contacts.
List event contacts
Retrieve all contacts from an event.
List event contacts DDL
List event registration questions
Retrieve a list of questions that are used in the event registration forms.
List event sessions recording views
Retrieve a list of ticket-holding attendees who have watched a recording in an event.
List events
Retrieves a list of events.
List events DDL
List mobile app color settings
Retrieve a list of event mobile app color settings.
List partners
Retrieve a list of all partners of a specific event.
List partners DDL
List registration types
Retrieves a list of registration types for a specific event.
List registration types DDL
List registrations
Retrieves a list of registrants to/in a specific event.
List registrations DDL
List session registration settings
Retrieve a list of all of the settings for a session registration.
List sessions
Retrieves a list of sessions in a specific event.
List sessions checkins
Retrieve a list of tickets (attendees) who checked in or out from all sessions.
List sessions DDL
List speakers
Retrieve a list of all speakers at your event.
List speakers DDL
List ticket IDs using ID DDL
List ticket IDs using ticket ID DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Session check in
Perform a check in to a certain ticket in a session.
Session check out
Perform a check out to a certain ticket in a session.
Session rate
Retrieve a list of the sessions that attendees have given a rating.
Session starring
Retrieve a list of sessions that attendees marked as interesting.
Set speaker visibility
Set the visibility of a speaker.
Update agenda settings
Update any of the agenda settings that have been set by the event organizer.
Update contact
Update a specific contact.
Update partner
Update the details of a partner at a event.
Update registration
Update a specific registration.
Update session
Update a specific session in your agenda.