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Capsule Operations
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Create opportunity
Create a new opportunity.
Create party
Creates a new party contact to be stored in Capsule. A party can be either a person or an organization.
Delete opportunity
Delete a specific opportunity from Capsule.
Get milestone
Retrieve the details of a specific milestone.
Get opportunity
Retrieve the details of a specific opportunity associated with the Capsule account.
Get party
Retrieve the details of a specific person or organization associated with the Capsule account.
List countries
Retrieve a list of all valid countries.
List countries DDL
List custom fields
Retrieve a list of all the custom fields on the Capsule account. An entity must be specified (either parties, opportunities or cases) and will define which custom fields to return.
List custom fields DDL
List custom titles
Retrieve a list of custom titles available on the Capsule account.
List lost reasons
Retrieve a list of all the reasons for a lost opportunity on this Capsule account.
List lost reasons DDL
List milestones
Retrieve a list of all the milestones on the Capsule account.
List milestones DDL
List opportunities
Retrieve a list of the opportunities on the Capsule account.
List opportunities DDL
List organizations DDL
List parties
Retrieve a list of the parties on the Capsule account.
List parties DDL
List tags
Retrieve a list of tags on the Capsule account.
List tags DDL
List teams
Retrieve a list of all the teams on this Capsule account.
List teams DDL
List titles DDL
List track definitions
Retrieve a list of tracks on the Capsule account.
List track definitions DDL
List users
Retrieve a list of all the users on this capsule account.
List users DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Update opportunity
Update an existing opportunity. Any fields not included in the request will remain unchanged.
Update party
Update an existing party. Any fields not included in the request will remain unchanged. The party type (person or organization) cannot be modified.