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ClickUp Operations
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Add custom field to list
Add an existing field to a list. We want to reuse fields as much as possible instead of creating unique ones. So if you have an existing field in another location, you can add it to a list with this route.
Bulk add task comment
Add multiple task comments in one API call
Bulk add task tag
Create multiple task tags in one API call
Bulk create task
Create multiple tasks in one API call
Bulk delete task tag
Delete tags from multiple tasks in one API call
Bulk move task
Move multiple tasks in one API call
Bulk update task assignee
Update multiple task assignees in one API call
Bulk update task due date
Update multiple tasks due date in one API call
Bulk update task priority
Update multiple task priorities in one API call
Bulk update task statuses
Update multiple task statuses in one API call
Create custom fields
Create custom fields that belong to a given list. To create multiple fields, you would need to make multiple requests
Create folder
Creates a folder within a space.
Create folderless list
Creates a folderless list within a space.
Create list
Creates a list within a folder.
Create status
Creates a status within a list.
Create task
Creates a task within a list.
Delete task
Deletes a task.
Get authorized user
Retrieve the authorized user.
Get list
Retrieve a list by its ID.
Get space
Get space
Get task
Retrieves a task by ID.
Get widget
Retrieves a widget by ID.
List authorized teams
List the authorized teams.
List filtered team tasks
Lists filtered team tasks.
List folders
Lists folders.
List folders DDL
List list custom fields
List custom fields that belong to a given list
List list custom fields DDL
List list members
List members of a given list
List lists
Lists tasks.
List lists DDL
List spaces
List spaces
List spaces DDL
List task comments
Retrieve a task's comments.
List task members
Retrieve a task's members.
List tasks
Lists tasks.
List teams
List teams
List teams DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Update task
Updates a task.
Update widget integration value
Use this operation to adjust a widget's integration value.