Artisan IMG > Constant contact (constant-contact) (25960cf2-5b9c-425b-92d2-a03c40cbba5d)
Constant Contact
Artisan IMG > Constant contact (constant-contact) (25960cf2-5b9c-425b-92d2-a03c40cbba5d)

Constant Contact

A tool which allows you to quickly upload your email contacts and create


Constant Contact provides a range of intuitive marketing applications designed to help small businesses and nonprofits expand their customer bases and nurture relationships.They've been able to see how many people open each of our email campaigns, and which campaigns are most successful, making future marketing more targeted.

The first step is to add the Constant Contact connector to the workflow.


Before being able to use the 'Constant Contact' connector, authentication will need to be created. To do so, add the 'Constant Contact' connector to the workflow and hit the 'New Authentication' button found in the input panel.

The next windows provides you the opportunity to name the authentication as well as displaying the scopes that will be requested. Once you have named the authentication and scopes are ticked, press the Add authentication button.

Example 1 - List Contacts

This example shows you how to retrieve all contacts or how to get the contacts of a specific list.

To retrieve all contacts:

  • select the List contacts operation in the input panel

  • populate the input fields as required to filter the contacts

  • press 'Run workflow' button

To retrieve all contacts from a specific list:

  • select the List contacts operation in the input panel

  • choose a list from the dropdown provided in the Lists -> List input field press 'Run workflow' button

Example 2 - Create list

This example shows you how to create a list.

To use this operation:

  • select the Create list operation in the input panel

  • populate the input fields as required

  • press 'Run workflow' button

Example 3 - Get email campaign

This example shows you how to get the data for a certain Campaign by ID.

To use this operation:

  • select the Get email campaign operation in the input panel

  • choose a campaign from the provided dropdown

  • press 'Run workflow' button to get the data for the requested campaign

Operations Complete