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Copper Operations
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Activity exists?
Check to see if an activity exists, using its unique ID.
Are leads enabled?
Checks to see if leads are enabled in your Copper account.
Company exists?
Check to see if a company exists, using its unique ID.
Create activity
Create an activity
Create company
Create a company in your Copper account.
Create custom activity type
Create a new custom activity type
Create lead
Create a new lead
Create opportunity
Create an opportunity in your Copper account.
Create person
Create a person record in your Copper account.
Create project
Create a project in your Copper account.
Create related item
Link a "resource" to a "parent" object. For example, you could link one or more companies to an opportunity.
Create task
Creates a task in your Copper account, linked to a "resource", such as a person, opportunity, or company.
Delete activity
Delete an activity, using its unique ID
Delete company
Delete a company by their unique ID
Delete lead
Delete a lead by ID
Delete opportunity
Delete a opportunity by its unique ID
Delete person
Delete a person by ID
Delete project
Delete a project by ID
Delete task
Delete a task from your Copper account, from its unique ID.
Find lead by phone number
Find the lead who has a given phone number. If multiple leads have the same phone number, the most recently updated will be returned.
Find person by email
Find a person by their email address.
Get account details
Get details about the account that you've connected to Tray.
Get activity
Get an activity by its unique ID.
Get company
Get a company by its unique ID.
Get custom activity type
Get a custom activity type by its unique ID.
Get lead
Get a lead by ID
Get opportunity
Get an opportunity by its unique ID.
Get person
Get a person, by their unique ID.
Get person by phone number
Find the person who has a given phone number. If multiple people have the same phone number, the most recently updated will be returned.
Get pipeline
Get details about a pipeline stage, using its unique ID.
Get pipeline stage
Get details about a pipeline stage, using its unique ID.
Get project
Get a project by its unique ID.
Get task
Get a task from your Copper account, using its unique ID.
Get user
Get a user by their ID in Copper.
Lead exists?
Check to see if an lead exists, using its unique ID.
List activity types
Get a list of all of the custom activity types in your Copper account.
List activity types DDL
List companies
Get a list of all the companies in your Copper account.
List companies DDL
List contact types
Get a list of all of the contact types in your Copper account.
List contact types DDL
List custom activity types
Get a list of all of the activity types in your Copper account.
List custom activity types DDL
List custom fields
Get a list of all of the custom fields in your Copper account.
List custom fields DDL
List customer sources
Get a list of all of the customer sources in your Copper account.
List customer sources DDL
List lead statuses
Get a list of all of the lead statuses in your Copper account.
List loss reasons DDL
List Opportunity loss reasons
Get a list of all of the loss reasons in your Copper account.
List Pipeline Stages
Get a list of all of the stages in a given pipeline in your Copper account.
List pipeline stages DDL
List pipeline stages for pipeline DDL
List Pipelines
Get a list of all of the pipelines in your Copper account.
List pipelines DDL
List users
Get a list of all the users in your Copper account.
List users DDL
Opportunity exists?
Check to see if an opportunity exists, using its unique ID.
Person exists?
Check to see if a person exists, using their unique ID.
Project exists?
Check to see if a project exists, using its unique ID.
Search activites (company wide)
Search company-wide activities.
Search activites by resource
Search company-wide activities.
Search companies
Search for companies
Search for projects
Search for projects in your Copper account.
Search for tasks
Search for tasks in your Copper account.
Search leads
Search for leads
Search opportunities
Search for opportunities
Search people
Search for people
Search related items
Get a list of all the related items for a "parent" object, optionally filtered to a particular type.
Task exists?
Check to see if a task exists, using its unique ID.
Update company
Update a company in your Copper account.
Update lead
Update an existing lead
Update opportunity
Update an opportunity in your Copper account.
Update person
Updates a person record in your Copper account, using their unique ID.
Update project
Updates a Project record in your Copper account, using their unique ID.
Update task
Update a task, using it's unique ID.