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Microsoft Dynamics 365
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Operations (sample payloads)
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Operations
Latest version:
Create entity
Create an entity of any type in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account.
Delete entity
Delete an entity of any type in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account.
Get entity
Get an entity of any type from your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account.
Get user information
Retrieves stored information about the user.
List entities
Get a list of entities from your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account.
List entities (raw filter)
Get a list of entities from your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account and filter them with a user defined query.
List entity set attributes DDL
List entity sets DDL
List entity type attributes
List entity type attributes
List entity type attributes DDL
List entity types
List entity types in Microsoft Dynamics 365
List entity types DDL
List one to many relationships
List one to many relationships
List party navigation property names DDL
List status attribute options
Get a list of possible options for a dropdown attribute, such as lead status.
Query entity data
Run queries against entity data (uses FetchXML query strings). Enables more advanced operations such as aggregation of data e.g sum, count, max, etc.
Run fetch XML query (advanced)
Run a raw fetch XML query against the Dynamics instance.
Update entity
Update an entity of any type in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 account.
Operations (sample payloads)