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Create company
Create a company.
Create contact
Create a contact.
Create note
Create a note on a ticket.
Create ticket
Create a ticket.
Delete company
Delete a company.
Delete contact
Delete a contact.
Delete note
Delete a note.
Delete ticket
Delete a ticket.
Get agent
Retrieve an agent.
Get company
Retrieve a company.
Get contact
Retrieve a contact.
Get ticket
Retrieve a ticket.
List agents
Retrieve a list of agents.
List agents DDL
List companies
Retrieve a list of companies.
List companies DDL
List company fields
Retrieve a list of company fields.
List contact fields
Retrieve a list of all contact fields.
List contacts
Retrieve a list of contacts.
List contacts DDL
List email configs
Retrieve a list of email configs.
List email configs DDL
List groups
Retrieve a list of groups.
List groups DDL
List products
Retrieve a list of products.
List products DDL
List ticket conversations
Retrieve a list of ticket conversations.
List ticket fields
Retrieve a list of ticket fields.
List ticket satisfaction ratings
Retrieve a list of ticket satisfaction ratings.
List ticket time entries
Retrieve a list of ticket time entries.
List tickets
Retrieve a list of ticket.
List tickets DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Restore ticket
Restore a ticket.
Update company
Update a company.
Update contact
Create a contact.
Update note
Update a note (conversation).
Update ticket
Update a ticket.
Upload contact avatar
Upload an avatar for a contact.