Gmail Trigger

The Gmail trigger allows you to receive notifications and trigger workflows when given events occur associated with the selected trigger operation.

Trigger Authentication

To authenticate the trigger, follow the instructions provided in the Authentication section.

Trigger Operations available:

  • On Event: Choose the event type from the properties panel.

  • Thread Message: Receive real-time notifications when a new message is added to a specific email thread in your Gmail account.

  • Webhook: Tracks the version of your mailbox and triggers the workflow when it changes. You can then use the List history operation within the Gmail connector to find out what change actually happened.

Thread Message Notification

With the Thread Message operation, you can receive real-time notifications whenever a new message is added to a specific email thread in your Gmail account.

To enable this feature, simply provide the thread ID. You can retrieve the thread ID using the Gmail connector's List thread operation.

Once you have added the thread ID make sure to enable the workflow.

Dynamic polling behavior for thread message retrieval:

  • The operation retrieves only messages received after the Gmail trigger was enabled, excluding those received before activation.

  • The trigger will stop polling 30 days after the last message was received.

  • When the polling stops, you will receive one final Webhook with the following structure:

"message": str # A message explaining that the polling for this thread message is being stopped.
"finished": bool # true

The polling then stops.

  • The 30-day polling period restarts if a new message is added to the thread.

  • The polling frequency will decrease gradually over time, with the time between polls increasing as more time elapses since the last message was added to the thread.

Important Trigger Notes

Trigger Failure

If your Gmail trigger is failing you may receive an error message similar to this:

"message": "Events are failing to be delivered. Please try re-initializing your workflow or re-creating your subscription. Reason: The request is unauthorized"

It is probably because of one of the following reasons:

  • An authentication was revoked.

    • You received an unauthorised/forbidden response.

  • The mailbox in question no longer exists.

    • You received a "Not found error".

The best way to mitigate any trigger failures as always, is with an (alerting) error handling workflow.

The failed payload should be collected and you notified immediately - via Slack or email etc. That way you will be able to resolve the issue immediately with minimal inconvenience.

More information and examples on how to build this kind of workflow check out the docs here.

Include Full Message

Please note that if the message you are referring to no longer exists then the trigger won't be able to fetch the full message body.

You will only get the additional fields if the message is still in your mailbox