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Google BigQuery
Operations (sample payloads)
Google BigQuery Operations
Latest version:
Add or update columns in table
Add or update one or more columns in a table in BigQuery via the API, so you don't have to create them manually. Useful when you're looking to ensure that a table matches a schema before running an "Insert Rows" operation.
Create table
Create a new, empty table in the dataset.
Delete table
Delete the table specified by table_id from the dataset. If the table contains data, all the data will be deleted.
Get job
Find a job by it's ID.
Get table
Gets full details about a Google BigQuery table.
Insert job
Start a new asynchronous job.
Insert rows
Inserts up to 500 rows into a Google BigQuery table.
Insert rows from CSV file
Uploads a CSV file to BigQuery, saves the rows into a table.
List datasets
List all the datasets for a project.
List datasets DDL
List job query results
List the results of a query job.
List jobs
List all the jobs for a project.
List jobs DDL
List projects
List all the projects you have in your Google BigQuery account.
List projects DDL
List tables
List all the tables for a dataset.
List tables DDL
Run query
Create a query job.
Operations (sample payloads)