Use Cases

These examples showcase various ways to leverage the Google Sheets connector in combination with other services and AI capabilities. Remember to handle data transformations, error handling, and to respect rate limits when working with large datasets or frequent updates.

Automated Sales Report Generation

Objective: Automatically generate a weekly sales report from various data sources. 


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to run the workflow every Monday morning.

  2. Fetch Data: Use connectors for your CRM, e-commerce platform, etc. to gather sales data.

  3. Create Spreadsheet: Use the create_spreadsheet operation to create a new report.

  4. Add Worksheets: Use the create_worksheet operation to add sheets for different sales categories.

  5. Populate Data: Use the create_row operation to add data to each worksheet.

  6. Format Report: Use the update_cell_value operation to add totals and formatting.

AI-Powered Customer Feedback Analysis

Objective: Analyze customer feedback from various sources and summarize in a spreadsheet. 


  1. Trigger: Use a Webhook Trigger to start the workflow when new feedback is received.

  2. Fetch Feedback: Use connectors to gather feedback from different platforms.

  3. AI Analysis: Use the Merlin Functions connector's sentiment_analysis operation to analyze feedback sentiment.

  4. Create/Update Spreadsheet: Use get_spreadsheet to check if a feedback tracker exists, or create_spreadsheet if not.

  5. Add Data: Use create_row to add new feedback entries with sentiment scores.

  6. Summarize: Use Merlin Functions' generate_text operation to create a summary of the feedback.

  7. Update Summary: Use update_cell_value to add the AI-generated summary to a designated cell.

Inventory Management and Reorder Alerts

Objective: Track inventory levels and generate reorder alerts. 


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to run the workflow daily.

  2. Fetch Inventory: Use your inventory system's connector to get current stock levels.

  3. Update Spreadsheet: Use update_values_in_spreadsheet to refresh inventory data.

  4. Check Thresholds: Use get_worksheet_data to retrieve the updated data.

  5. Generate Alerts: Use Boolean Conditions to identify items below reorder thresholds.

  6. Send Notifications: Use a Slack or Email connector to send reorder alerts.

AI-Assisted Data Cleansing and Standardization

Objective: Clean and standardize customer address data in a spreadsheet. 


  1. Trigger: Use a Manual Trigger or schedule as needed.

  2. Fetch Data: Use get_worksheet_data to retrieve customer address information.

  3. Mask Sensitive Data: Use Merlin Guardian's mask_data operation to protect sensitive information.

  4. AI Processing: Use an AI service (like OpenAI or a custom model) to standardize and correct addresses.

  5. Unmask Data: Use Merlin Guardian's unmask_data operation to reveal the processed data.

  6. Update Spreadsheet: Use update_values_in_spreadsheet to write back the cleaned data.

Dynamic Project Management Dashboard

Objective: Create a real-time project management dashboard pulling data from various tools. 


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to update hourly during work hours.

  2. Fetch Project Data: Use connectors for project management tools (e.g., Jira, Asana) to gather data.

  3. Update Spreadsheet: Use update_values_in_spreadsheet to refresh project status data.

  4. Calculate Metrics: Use get_worksheet_data and data transformation steps to calculate KPIs.

  5. Update Dashboard: Use update_cell_value to update KPI cells and status indicators.

  6. Conditional Formatting: Use raw_http_request to apply conditional formatting via Sheets API.

AI-Enhanced Financial Forecasting

Objective: Generate financial forecasts using historical data and AI predictions. 


  1. Trigger: Use a Scheduled Trigger to run monthly.

  2. Fetch Historical Data: Use get_worksheet_data to retrieve past financial data.

  3. AI Analysis: Use an AI service (e.g., AWS Forecast via the AWS Bedrock connector) to generate predictions.

  4. Create Forecast Sheet: Use create_worksheet to add a new forecast sheet.

  5. Populate Forecast: Use create_row to add forecasted data points.

  6. Generate Summary: Use Merlin Functions' generate_text to create an executive summary of the forecast.

  7. Update Summary: Use update_cell_value to add the summary to the spreadsheet.