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Operations (sample payloads)
HubSpot Operations
Latest version:
Add contact to company
Add contact to company.
Add contact to list
Add contact records that have already been created in the system to a contact list. You can either specify their email addresses or their IDs.
Archive property
Move a specified property to the recycling bin.
Archive property group
Move a specified property group to the recycling bin.
Associate crm objects
Associates two CRM objects.
Associate custom object
Associate a custom object with another object.
Batch create line items
Create a group of line items in your HubSpot account.
Batch create products
Create a group of products in your HubSpot account.
Batch create/update contact
If multiple contacts already exist update their data. Create new contacts if they do not i.e. Upsert
Batch delete line items
Delete a group of line items from your HubSpot account.
Batch delete products
Delete a group of products from your HubSpot account.
Batch update companies
Update a batch of companies.
Batch update deals
Update a group of deals in your HubSpot account.
Batch update line items
Update a group of line items in your HubSpot account.
Batch update products
Update a group of products in your HubSpot account
Calculate attendance duration at event for all attendees
Using the Event ID calculate the attendance duration for all attendees and update said attendees timeline entries.
Cancel marketing event (beta)
Mark a marketing event as cancelled.
Contact exists with email?
Check if a contact with an email address exists.
Create blog post
Create a new blog post.
Create call engagement
Create a call with the given properties.
Create company
Create a company.
Create contact
Create a new contact in HubSpot.
Create contact list
Create new contact list.
Create custom object
Create a CRM object with the given properties and return a copy of the object, including the ID. Please define a schema in advance using the 'Create object schema' operation.
Create deal
Creates and tracks deals in HubSpot. It also allows you to connect HubSpot with an external CRM or other sales management software.
Create email engagement
Create an email with the given properties.
Create line item
Create a line item in your HubSpot account.
Create marketing event (beta)
Create a new marketing event in HubSpot.
Create meeting engagement
Create a meeting with the given properties.
Create note engagement
Create a note with the given properties.
Create object schema
Define a new object schema, along with custom properties and associations.
Create product
Create a product in your Hubspot account.
Create property
Create a property on an object type.
Create property group
Create a new property group for an object type.
Create task engagement
Create a task with the given properties.
Create ticket
Create a ticket in your Hubspot account.
Create/update contact
If contact already exists update their data. Create a new contact if not i.e. Upsert
Create/update marketing event (beta)
If a marketing event already exists update the data. Create a new marketing event if it does not i.e. Upsert
Delete associations from CRM objects
Delete all associations between two records.
Delete blog post
Delete a specified blog post.
Delete comment
Mark the comment as deleted.
Delete company
Delete a company by the given ID.
Delete contact
Delete contact.
Delete contact list
Delete a contact list.
Delete custom object association
Delete a custom object association.
Delete deal
Delete a deal by the given ID.
Delete line item
Delete a line item by the given ID.
Delete object schema
Delete a schema. NB: Any existing records of this schema must be deleted first, otherwise this request will fail.
Delete product
Delete a product by the given ID.
Delete ticket
Delete a ticket by the given ID.
Get app settings (beta)
Retrieve the current settings for the application.
Get blog post
Retrieve a specified blog post.
Get company
Return a company by the given ID.
Get company property
Get a specific company property by its (internal) name.
Get contact by email
Return a contact by the given email address.
Get contact by ID
Return a contact by the given ID.
Get contact list
Return a contact list with the given ID.
Get contact property
Retrieve contact property.
Get deal
Retrieve a deal by the given ID.
Get file import status
Retrieve the status of a file import.
Get line item
Return a line item by the given ID.
Get marketing event
Retrieve details of the specified marketing event.
Get owner
Read an owner by given ID or User ID.
Get product
Retrieve a product by the given ID.
Get subscription status
Retrieve the email subscription information for the given email address and portal.
Get subscriptions timeline
Retrieve a time-ordered list of subscription changes.
Get ticket
Retrieve a ticket by the given ID.
List association definitions
List all association types between two object types.
List association definitions DDL
List associations DDL
List authors
Retrieve a list of blog authors.
List blog posts
Retrieve a list of blog posts.
List blog posts DDL
List call engagement dispositions
Return all possible dispositions for sales calls.
List call engagement dispositions DDL
List call engagement properties DDL
List call engagements
Return a list of call engagements.
List call engagements DDL
List changes for line items
Return a list of changes to line items.
List changes for products
Return a list of changes to products.
List comments
Retrieve the comments from your HubSpot blogs.
List comments DDL
List companies
Return a list of companies in your Hubspot account.
List companies DDL
List company properties
Return company properties.
List company properties DDL
List contact list contacts
Retrieve a list of contacts on a particular list.
List contact lists
Retrieve contact lists for the account.
List contact lists DDL
List contact properties
Return contact properties.
List contact properties DDL
List contacts
Retrieve all the contacts that have been created in the account.
List contacts by contact ID
List contacts by contact ID.
List contacts by email
List contacts by email addresses.
List contacts DDL
List contacts of company by company ID
Return a list of contacts of a company.
List CRM object associations
List all associations of a CRM object by object type.
List crm object types DDL
List custom objects
Retrieve a list of custom objects of a specified type.
List deal properties DDL
List deals
Retrieve a list of deals in Hubspot.
List deals DDL
List email engagement properties DDL
List email engagements
Return a list of email engagements.
List folder IDs DDL
List folder paths DDL
List folders
Retrieve and search a list of folders.
List line item properties DDL
List line items
Return a list of line items in your HubSpot account.
List line items by ID
Return a group of line items.
List line items DDL
List meeting engagement properties DDL
List meeting engagements
Return a list of meeting engagements.
List meeting engagements DDL
List note engagement properties DDL
List note engagements
Return a list of note engagements.
List object schemas
Retrieve a list of object schemas that have been defined for your account.
List object schemas DDL
List owner IDs DDL
List owners
Return all of the owners that exist inside of HubSpot.
List owners DDL
List pipelines
List all pipelines.
List product properties DDL
List products
Return a list of products in your Hubspot account.
List products by ID
Return a group of products.
List products DDL
List properties
List all properties for a given object type.
List properties DDL
List property groups
List all property groups for a given object type.
List property groups DDL
List recent contacts
Return all contacts that have been recently updated or created.
List recently created deals
Retrieve a list of deals in Hubspot, sorted by creation date.
List recently modified deals
Retrieve a list of deals in Hubspot, sorted by last modified date.
List subscription types
Retrieve all email subscription types that have been created in the given Hub ID.
List subscription types DDL
List task engagement properties DDL
List task engagements
Return a list of task engagements.
List task engagements DDL
List ticket pipeline stages
Return all stages associated with the given ticket pipeline ID.
List ticket pipeline stages DDL
List ticket pipelines DDL
List ticket properties DDL
List tickets
Retrieve a list of all tickets.
List tickets DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Search companies by domain
Search for companies by domain name.
Search companies by website
Search for company by website.
Search contacts
Search for contacts.
Search objects
Search for objects of a particular type.
Update app settings (beta)
Create or update the current settings for the application. NOTE: You must provide a valid developer API key to successfully run this operation.
Update blog post
Update a single blog post.
Update call engagement
Update a call by ID.
Update company
Update a company by the given ID.
Update contact
Update contact by ID.
Update contact(s) subscription state via their Email
Change the subscription state between a marketing event and a pre-existing contact (or many). Also create contact if necessary i.e. Upsert
Update contact(s) subscription state via their ID
Change the subscription state between a marketing event and a contact (or many). Contact must already exist.
Update custom object
Update a CRM object. The values assigned to 'Properties' can be cleared by passing an empty string.
Update deal
Update a deal by the given ID.
Update line item
Update a line item by the given ID.
Update marketing event (beta)
Update an existing marketing event in HubSpot.
Update meeting engagement
Update a meeting by ID.
Update note engagement
Update a note by ID.
Update object schema
Update the details for an existing object schema.
Update product
Update a product by the given ID.
Update property
Perform a partial update of a specified property. Provided fields will be overwritten.
Update property group
Perform a partial update of a specified property group. Provided fields will be overwritten.
Update subscription status
Update an email address' email type subscription status or permanently unsubscribe an email address from all subscriptions.
Update task engagement
Update a task by ID.
Update ticket
Update a ticket by the given ID.
Upload file from URL
Asynchronously import a file at a given URL into the file manager.
Operations (sample payloads)