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Impartner Operations
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Attach temporary file to object
Attach temporary file to object.
Batch create object records
Create multiple object records.
Batch delete object records
Delete multiple object records.
Batch update object records
Update multiple object records.
Create object record
Create object record.
Delete journey builder actions
Delete a list of 'Journey Builder Actions' corresponding to the given IDs.
Delete object record
Delete object record.
Download file
Download file.
Filter object records
Filter object records.
Get asset collection segmentation
Get an asset collection segmentation.
Get file link
Get file link.
Get object record details
Get object record details.
List account field segmentations
Get a list of account field segmentations.
List account field segmentations DDL
List account segment types
Get a list of account segmentation types.
List account segments
Get a list of account segments.
List account segments DDL
List asset collections
Get a list of asset collections.
List asset collections DDL
List asset segmentations
Get a list of asset segmentations.
List assets
Get a list of assets.
List assets DDL
List comparison types DDL
List criteria types DDL
List CRM environments
Retrieve a list of CRM environments.
List CRM sync log's run step details
Retrieve a list of CRM sync log's run step details.
List CRM sync log's run steps
Retrieve a list of CRM sync log's run steps.
List CRM sync logs
Retrieve a list of CRM sync logs.
List evaluation types DDL
List events
Retrieve a list of events.
List journey builder actions
Retrieve a list of 'Journey Builder Actions' corresponding to the given parameters.
List object records
Retrieve a list of object records.
List objects
Retrieve a list of all objects.
List objects DDL
List objects metadata
Retrieve a list of object details.
List objects metadata DDL
List partner levels
Get a list of partner levels.
List partner levels DDL
List regions
Get a list of regions.
List regions DDL
List tiers
Get a list of tiers.
List tiers DDL
List user field segmentations
Get a list of user field segmentations.
List user field segmentations DDL
List user filter segments
Get a list of user filter segments.
List user filter segments DDL
List user segment types
Get a list of user segment types.
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Register event
Register an event.
THQL query
Search your organization data using the THQL query language.
Unregister event
Unregister an event.
Update asset collection segmentation
Update an asset collection segmentation.
Update asset segmentation
Update a specific asset.
Update journey builder actions
Update a list of 'Journey Builder Actions' based on the specified view models.
Update object record
Update an object record.
Upload temporary file
Upload temporary file.