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iOffice Operations
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Accept request
Set operator's status for a request as accepted.
Add Maintenance Request Comment
Add a comment to a maintenance request
Archive Move Request
Archive a move request.
Cancel Maintenance Request
Cancel a maintenance request.
Complete request
Set operator's status for a request as complete.
Create Maintenance Category
Create Maintenance Request
Create a new maintenance request.
Create Move Request
Create a new move request.
Create room
Create a new room.
Custom Create Operation
Send a custom request to iOffice (advanced). Can only be used with POST API endpoints
Custom Delete Operation
Send a custom request to iOffice (advanced). Can only be used with DELETE API endpoints
Custom Get Operation
Send a custom request to iOffice (advanced). Can only be used with GET API endpoints
Custom Update Operation
Send a custom request to iOffice (advanced). Can only be used with PUT API endpoints
Delete Move Request
Delete a move request.
Get Maintenance Category
Get details of a single maintenance category.
Get Maintenance Request
Get details of a single maintenance request.
Get Maintenance Request Stats
Get statistics about all maintenance requests.
Get Maintenance Request Type
Get details about a single maintenance request type.
Get Move Request
Get details of a single move request.
Get Priority
Get details about a priority type.
Get Product
Get details about a product.
Get room
Get details about a room.
Get User
Get details about a user.
Hold request
Set operator's status for a request as on hold.
List Assets
Get a list of assets.
List buildings
Get a list of buildings.
List floors
Get a list of floors.
List Maintenance Categories
Get a list of maintenance categories.
List Maintenance Request Types
Get a list of maintenance request types.
List Maintenance Requests
Get a list of maintenance requests.
List Move Requests
Get a list of move requests
List Move Statuses
Get a list of move statuses
List Move Tasks
Get a list of move tasks
List Move Types
Get a list of move types
List Priorities
Get a list of priorities.
List Products
Get a list of products.
List room types
Get a list of room types.
List Rooms
Get a list of rooms.
List Users
Get a list of users.
Modify Maintenance Request
Edit an existing maintenance request.
Reject request
Set operator's status for a request as rejected.
Resume request
Set operator's status for a request as resumed.
Set Maintenance Request Status
Set the status of a maintenance request.
Start request
Set operator's status for a request as started.
Update Move Request
Update a specified move request.