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Operations (sample payloads)
Jira Cloud Operations
Latest version:
Create issue
Create an issue in Jira.
Create issue attachment
Creates an attachment on an issue.
Create issue comment
Creates a comment on an issue.
Create issue link
Create a link between two Jira issues.
Create version
Create a project version to be released.
Delete issue
Delete an issue from your Jira account. Optionally also delete the attached subtasks.
Download issue attachment
Download an attachment by providing its ID.
Get attachment metadata
Returns the metadata for an attachment. Note that the attachment itself is not returned.
Get comment property
Returns the value of a comment property.
Get issue
Get details of an issue, using the issue's unique ID or Key.
Get user
Get a user from Jira, either by their username or their user "key".
Get user info
Get information about the current authenticated user.
Get version
Get a project version by its ID.
List assignable users DDL
List issue comments
Lists all of the comments for an issue.
List issue fields DDL
List issue link types DDL
List issue transitions DDL
List issue types DDL
List issue worklogs
Returns all worklogs for an issue. Time tracking must be enabled in Jira, otherwise this operation returns an error.
List priorities DDL
List project IDs DDL
List project issues
Get a list of all of the issues in a project.
List project keys DDL
List project statuses DDL
List project versions DDL
List projects
Returns all projects which are visible for the currently logged in user. If no user is logged in, it returns the list of projects that are visible when using anonymous access.
List resolutions DDL
List resources DDL
List sprint issues
Lists all the issues in a specific sprint.
List statuses DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Search issues (JQL)
Search for issues using JQL.
Search Users
Returns a list of users that match the search string.
Transition issue
Transition an issue to different status.
Update issue
Update an issue in Jira.
Update version
Update a project version by its ID.
Operations (sample payloads)