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Archive customer
Archive a customer by customer ID.
Archive product
Mark the specified product as archived.
Create activity entry
Create a new company activity entry object for a company you have CRM management access for.
Create contact
Create a new contact.
Create customer
Create a new company customer.
Create payment
Create a new payment.
Create product
Create a new product.
Create product line
Create a product line.
Create strain
Create a strain.
Delete activity entry
Set the delete flag to true on a company activity entry by ID.
Delete contact
Set the delete flag to true on a contact by ID.
Delete line item
Delete a line item by ID.
Delete order
Delete an order. This operation is supported only for draft orders.
Delete product image
Delete a product image.
Get activity entry
Retrieve a company activity entry by ID.
Get brand
Retrieve a brand by ID.
Get company
Retrieve details about the company that the current user is authorized to access.
Get contact
Retrieve an individual contact by ID.
Get customer
Retrieve a customer by customer ID.
Get customer tier
Retrieve a "CompanyCustomerTier" by ID.
Get license
Retrieve a license by ID.
Get license type
Retrieve an individual license type by ID.
Get line item
Retrieve an individual line item by ID.
Get order
Retrieve an individual order by number.
Get payment
Retrieve a payment.
Get product
Retrieve an individual product by ID.
Get product category
Retrieve a product category.
Get product image
Retrieve a product image.
Get product line
Retrieve a product line.
Get product subcategory
Retrieve a product subcategory.
Get staff member
Retrieve an individual staff member by ID.
Get strain
Retrieve a strain.
List activity entries
List all company activity entry objects of companies the requester has CRM management access for.
List batches DDL
List brands
List all brands for all active companies the user is a member of.
List brands DDL
List buyer orders
List orders sent.
List buyers DDL
List companies
List all active companies the Requesting User is staff member of.
List companies DDL
List company staff
List all company staff.
List company staff DDL
List contacts
List all contacts for all active companies where the user has the "MANAGE_CRM" permission.
List contacts DDL
List customer tiers
List all customer tiers in LeafLink.
List customer tiers DDL
List customers
List all customers of active companies the Requesting User is also a staff member of.
List customers DDL
List delivery providers DDL
List license classifications DDL
List license numbers DDL
List license types
List all licenses types available on LeafLink.
List license types DDL
List licenses
List all licenses for a user's companies.
List licenses DDL
List line items
List all line items for all active companies where the user can manage received orders.
List listing states DDL
List order statuses
List all order statuses.
List order statuses DDL
List orders
List all received orders for all active companies where the user can manage received orders.
List orders DDL
List payments
Retrieve a list to payments.
List product categories
List all Product Categories in LeafLink.
List product categories DDL
List product images
Retrieve a list of product images.
List product lines
List all product lines for all active companies where the user has permission to do so.
List product lines DDL
List product subcategories
List all Product Subcategories in LeafLink.
List product subcategories DDL
List products
List all products for all active companies.
List products DDL
List strain classifications DDL
List strains
List all strains for all active companies the requesting user belongs to and has permission to manage the inventory.
List strains DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Transition order
Perform an order transition action. Valid actions are: [submit, accept, fulfill, cancel, reject, ship, complete].
Update activity entry
Update a company activity entry object for a company you have CRM management access for.
Update contact
Update an existing contact by ID.
Update customer
Update an existing company customer.
Update line item
Update an existing line item.
Update order
Update an Order.
Update product
Update an existing product.
Update product line
Update a product line.
Upload product image
Upload a product image.