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Lufthansa Operations
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Get airline
Retrieves the complete details of one particular airline.
Get airport
Retrieves the complete details of one particular airport and supports multiple languages wherever it's applicable and available.
Get country
Retrieves the complete details of one particular country and supports multiple languages wherever it's applicable and available.
Get flight status
Retrieve the status of a specific flight on a given date (boarding, delayed, etc.). The available date range is from 7 days in the past until 5 days in the future.
List airlines
Retrieves the complete details of a list of airlines.
List airlines DDL
Retrieve a list of airlines names and IDs
List airports
Retrieves the complete details of a list of airports and supports multiple languages wherever it's applicable and available.
List airports DDL
Retrieve a list of airports
List countries
List all countries. It is possible to request the response in a specific language.
List countries DDL
Retrieve a list of countries
List flight schedules
Retrieve a list of all possible flights (both direct and connecting) between two airports on a given date. Schedules are available for today and up to 360 days in the future.
List languages DDL
Retrieve a list of languages
List nearest airports
Find the 5 closest airports to the given latitude and longitude, irrespective of the radius of the reference point. Hence, a radius is not needed for this service.