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Create contact
Adds a new unique contact to your global contact list and select its exclusion status.
Create contact property
Creates a new contact property.
Create list recipient
Retrieves all properties and respective values associated with a specific contact.
Get contact
Retrieves a specific contact.
Get job status
Retrieves the status of the specific job.
Get list recipient details
Retrieves a specific contact.
List all contact property values
Retrieves a list of contacts with all properties and respective values associated with those contacts.
List contact contact lists
Retrieves all contact lists for a specific contact.
List contact lists
Retrieves a list of contact properties and their general settings.
List contact lists addresses DDL
List contact lists IDs DDL
List contact lists names DDL
List contact properties details
Retrieves a list of contact properties and their general settings.
List contact properties details DDL
List contact property values
Retrieves all properties and respective values associated with a specific contact.
List contacts
Retrieves a list of contact properties and their general settings.
List contacts emails DDL
List contacts IDs DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Update contact property values
Updates the values of the contact properties for the specific contact.
Update contact subscription status
Manages the presence and subscription status of a contact to a specific contact list.