Error handling

Managing 2XX Status Codes with Error Indications

While working with the Marketo connector, there are instances where the response status code is 2XX, indicating a successful request, but the response body contains an error indication.

This discrepancy causes the connector to fail, despite receiving a 2XX status code. This behavior is expected due to the error handling by the Marketo service, and the Tray connector has been developed to accommodate specific error categories.

For the complete list of error codes, refer to Marketo's Error Codes documentation.

You can choose one of the following methods based on your requirements to handle these errors:

Manual error handling

By using manual error handling, you can override the default error alerting setup. To do so, select the "Manual" option by going to the 'If a step error occurs' setting in the properties panel.

This allows you to implement custom logic to handle the error based on the response body, even when the status code is 2XX.

For more information on manual error handling, refer to our Manual error handling Docs.

Using alert trigger

The second option is to configure an alert trigger for an individual workflow. This trigger will notify you when specific conditions or errors occur within the workflow.

In the example below, the alert trigger sends a Slack notification, but you can tailor it to your specific needs.

By configuring an alert trigger, you can ensure that you are promptly notified of any issues in your workflows, allowing you to take immediate action to resolve them.

This enhances the reliability and responsiveness of your automated processes.

The below images shows the configured alert trigger. Make sure to set the Include raw response parameter to True to fetch the raw response from the failed workflow.

To configure an alert trigger, select Workflow settings from the top right corner of the workflow for which you wish to configure the Alert trigger.

On the next page select your Alerting workflow from the drop-down.

Using branch connector

The branch connector is a good option when you are aware of one or more errors that might occur. It allows you to handle different types of errors in a customized manner.

You can create branches for specific error codes and implement different error-handling strategies for each.

The example below shows a few types of errors and one of the ways in which they can be handled.