Notes on using Marketo

Best Practices

Marketo has a Marketo Integration Best Practices page which we strongly recommend all users check out before building their integrations.

It will help you avoid common pitfalls and make sure you are in line with their service protocols.


If you are using a Webhook and wish email addresses containing a + symbol to be processed e.g. you will need to change the Request Token Encoding from: None to Form/Url:

Rate limiting

IMPORTANT!: You should always bear in mind the Marketo Integration Best Practices, in particular the API Limits.

Your Marketo call limits vary depending on your usage.

  • Marketo Instance: Rate limit of 100 calls per 20 seconds.

  • API-enabled instance: At least 10,000 REST API calls per day.

    • It is more common to have a 50,000 limit or more.

    • This should reset daily at 12:00AM CST.

    • You can increase your daily quota through contacting your Marketo account manager.

USER TIP: It is best practice to eliminate redundant calls by using Bulk operations rather than the corresponding single record/result Get operations whenever possible.

Bulk API Endpoints

It is important to note that Bulk API endpoints are not prefixed with '/rest' like other endpoints.

If there is a Bulk API endpoint you wish to use that does not yet have an associated operation you can use the Raw HTTP request operation to utilise it.

You will need to select Full URL from the URL parameter within the properties panel.

For example say we wished to poll the job status of a Program Member export. Within the Marketo API documentation the endpoint is given as:

GET /bulk/v1/program/members/export/${exportId}/status.json

You would append this to the first part of the Endpoint URL (from your Marketo Web Services Admin page) to specify the Full URL.

Note the omission of /rest from the Endpoint URL:${exportId}/status.json

Get create update lead

This is essentially an Upsert operation.

During the first attempt to fetch your lead information Marketo will either update the information should the lead already exist or create a new lead based on said information if it does not.