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Marketo Operations
Latest version:
Add leads to static list
Add a list of leads to a static list
Approve custom activity type
Approves the current draft of the type, and makes it the live version. This will delete the current live version of the type.
Check lead list membership
Checks if leads are members of a given static list
Clone program
Clones the target program.
Create bulk export activities job
Creates and queues a bulk export activities job. Once completed, you can download the file as a CSV using the "Download Bulk Export Activities Job File" operation.
Create bulk export leads job
Creates and queues a bulk export leads job. Once completed, you can download the file as a CSV using the "Download Bulk Export Leads Job File" operation.
Create bulk export program members job
Creates and queues a bulk export program members job. Once completed, you can download the file as a CSV using the "Download Bulk Export Program Members Job File" operation.
Create bulk import custom object job
Creates and queues a bulk import custom object job.
Create bulk import leads job
Creates and queues a bulk import leads job. You can poll the status of the import using the Get import lead status operation.
Create custom activities
This API is used to add custom activity for multiple leads. A maximum of 300 activity records can be submitted at a time.
Create custom activity type
Creates a new custom activity type draft in the target instance.
Create custom activity type attributes
Adds activity attributes to the target type. These are added to the draft version of the type.
Create static list
Creates a new Static List.
Create/update multiple companies
Create or update a list of companies in Marketo.
Create/update multiple custom objects
Create or update custom object data in Marketo.
Create/update multiple leads
Create or update a list of leads in Marketo.
Create/update multiple opportunities
Create or update a list of opportunities in Marketo.
Create/update multiple opportunity roles
Create or update a list of opportunity roles in Marketo.
Create/update multiple sales persons
Create or update a list of sales persons in Marketo.
Create/update token
Creates or updates a token in the parent folder.
Delete companies
Delete multiple companies for a given criteria.
Delete custom activity type
Deletes the target custom activity type. The type must first be removed from use by any assets, such as triggers or filters.
Delete invited user
Delete a pending user. A pending user is a user that has not yet accepted an invitation.
Delete leads
Delete multiple leads given their ID.
Delete leads from static list
Removes a given set of person records from a target static list.
Delete opportunities
Delete multiple opportunities for a given criteria.
Delete opportunity roles
Delete multiple opportunity roles for a given criteria.
Delete sales persons
Delete multiple sales persons for a given criteria.
Delete static list
Deletes the designated Static List.
Describe custom activity type
Returns metadata for a specific custom activity type.
Describe object
Get full details about an object type in Marketo.
Download bulk export activities job file
Downloads the CSV file that was exported as part of a bulk activities export job, using the export ID. NOTE: this will only work for jobs that have completed.
Download bulk export leads job file
Downloads the CSV file that was exported as part of a bulk lead export job, using the export ID. NOTE: this will only work for jobs that have completed.
Download bulk export program members job file
Downloads the CSV file that was exported as part of a bulk program member export job, using the export ID. NOTE: this will only work for jobs that have completed.
Get activities bulk export job status
Gets the current status of a bulk activities export job.
Get activity type attributes DDL
Get activity types
This API returns meta data about activity types (except change data value) available in Marketo.
Get activity types DDL
Get and Create/Update lead
Get a lead in Marketo by their ID. If the lead does not exist, create a new lead. If the lead does exist, update the lead.
Get custom activity types
This API returns meta data about custom activity types (except change data value) available in Marketo.
Get folder by ID
Retrieve a folder from its ID.
Get folder by name
Retrieve a folder from its name.
Get lead activities
Get a list of lead activities.
Get lead bulk export job status
Gets the current status of a bulk lead export job.
Get lead by ID
Get a lead in Marketo by their ID.
Get lead changes
This API retrieves change data value for leads.
Get lead import failures
Returns the list of failures for the import batch job in CSV format.
Get lead import warnings
Returns the list of warnings for the import batch job in CSV format.
Get leads bulk import status
Returns the status of a leads import batch job.
Get paging token
This API returns a token for a given date.
Get program by ID
Get a program in your Marketo account, using its unique ID.
Get program by name
Get a program in your Marketo account, using its unique name.
Get program members bulk export job status
Gets the current status of a bulk program member export job.
Get smart lists DDL
Get static list by ID
Returns a list record by its ID.
Get static list by name
Returns a list record by its name.
Get static list leads
Retrieve all leads that belong to a static list
Get static lists DDL
Get tokens by folder ID
Retrieves the list of available My Tokens in the target folder.
Invite user
Send an email invitation to a new user.
List campaigns
Get a list of campaigns
List campaigns DDL
List custom activity types DDL
List custom object fields DDL
List custom object filter types DDL
List custom object type fields DDL
List custom object types
Get a list of all of the custom object types.
List custom object types DDL
List custom objects
Get a list of custom objects of a given type.
List deleted leads
Return a list of leads deleted after a given date and time. Deletions greater than 14 days old may be pruned.
List folders
Retrieve a list of child folders within a given root folder.
List landing pages
Retrieves a list of accessible landing pages from the target instance.
List lead attributes DDL
List lead fields
Retrieves metadata for all lead fields in the target instance.
List lead searchable fields DDL
List leads
Get a list of leads.
List object fields DDL
List object filter types DDL
List program leads
Get a list of leads belonging to a particular program.
List program member attributes DDL
List programs
Get a list of programs in your Marketo account.
List programs DDL
List roles
Return a list of all role records.
List roles DDL
List smart campaigns
Retrieve a list of smart campaigns.
List static lists
Returns a set of static list records based on given filter parameters.
List user roles and workspaces
Return a list of user role and workspace records.
List users
Retrieve a list of all user records.
List users DDL
List workspaces
Retrieve a list of workspace records.
List workspaces DDL
Push lead
Upsert a lead, and generate a Push Lead to Marketo activity.
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Search companies
Retrieve multiple companies for a given search criteria.
Search leads
This API will retrieve multiple leads for a given search criteria.
Search opportunities
Retrieve multiple opportunities for a given search criteria.
Search opportunity roles
Retrieve multiple opportunity roles for a given search criteria.
Search sales people
Retrieve multiple companies for a given search criteria.
Sync program member data
Changes the program member data of a list of leads in a target program. Only existing members of the program may have their data changed with this API.
Trigger campaign
Trigger a campaign with specified input in Marketo.
Update static list metadata
Updates the metadata of a static list asset.
Operations (sample payloads)