Artisan IMG > MessageBird (messagebird) (3d2041cb-9697-4a02-80ce-13b3b6564ede)


Send, receive and monitor SMS, Calls and Chat Conversations.


MessageBird is an enterprise product offering communication via SMS, Chat and Voice.


To create an authentication with MessageBird log in to the MessageBird app and go to the Developers section. Then click Add access key to create a new key. Use this key when creating your authentication within Tray.

Basic Operations

  • List messages

  • Get message

  • Send message

Notes on Operations Usage


The List messages operation returns a list of all of the messages associated with your account, both sent and received. Messages are returned as a list with the most recent first.

The Offset property allows you to skip over messages. For example, entering 10 here would skip the first 10 messages.

The Limit property allows you to specify the maximum number of messages that should be returned. Get message


The Get message operation retrieves information about a message.

The Message ID property allows you to specify from which message the operation should retrieve information. The Message ID is a property that belongs to the message object itself therefore it is also contained in each message in the output of the List messages operation. Send message


The Send message operation allows you to instantly send a message or schedule it to a date and time by specifying it in the Scheduled date and time property.

The Sender property does not necessarily need to be a phone number, it can also have an alphanumeric value but its length cannot exceed 11 characters.

The Recipients list allows you to specify to who should the message Body be sent to.

The Message type property allows you to specify whether the message should be a regular SMS, Binary, Premium or Flash.

Example - receive a message

MessageBird allows you to buy a VMN (Virtual Mobile Number) and send the incoming messages to a callback url (which would be the Workflow Public URL). By making use of Webhook it is possible to trigger the workflow when a message is sent to the VMN.

You first need to set up the Webhook by following this guide then set up the Flow on MessageBird.

You can either use a VMN that you bought previously or buy a new one.

To buy a new VMN, log in to the MessageBird app and go to the Numbers section, then click on Buy a Number and follow the instructions. You should then be able to see the new number in the All Numbers table. Click on the Add a new flow icon on the right side of the icon:

For the next step you will need to grab the Public URL of your Tray Workflow which can be found by clicking on the wheel in the top-left corner of the workflow editor:

In the Flow Builder window, click on Incoming SMS and select the number you would like to use and click on Save. From the Steps section, drag the Forward to URL step into the flow and place it below the Incoming SMS step, use a GET Method and paste the Public URL of your Tray Workflow in the URL property. Then click Save and Publish changes:

Once the Webhook trigger has been set up on Tray and the Flow has been published on MessageBird, you can interact with the data that the Workflow Public URL will receive and a message is sent to the VMN you created the flow for.

The query property of the Webhook output will contain the following message properties: id, recipient, originator, body and createdDatetime.

You can, for example, send the message body to a Slack channel by using the Slack connector and setting its Message property value to a JSONpath of the Webhook's Request Query Parameters and adding ".body" at the end of the path.

For example, if your WebHook name is trigger then you will use "$.steps.trigger.query" as JSONpath.