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Microsoft Teams
Operations (sample payloads)
Microsoft Teams Operations
Latest version:
Add member to group
Adds a member to an Office 365 group (unified), a dynamic group or security group.
Add owner to group
Adds an owner of an Office 365 group (unified), a dynamic group or security group.
Add tab to channel
Adds a tab to a channel.
Archive team
Archives a team (makes it read-only).
Clone team
Clones a team and its corresponding group.
Create adaptive card
Create an adaptive card in a channel.
Create channel
Creates a new channel in a Microsoft Team.
Create chat message
Create a chat message in a channel.
Create group
Creates an Office 365 group (unified), a dynamic group or security group.
Delete channel
Deletes a channel.
Delete group
Deletes a specified group.
Get channel
Returns information about a channel.
Get channel tab
Returns information about a specific tab.
Get group
Returns information about a group.
Get group notebook
Returns information about a notebook associated with a group.
Get group OneDrive item
Returns an item from the group's OneDrive.
Get signed in user
Retrieve signed in user's details.
Get user
Returns information about a user.
List channel tabs
Returns a list of tabs in a channel.
List channel tabs DDL
List channels
Returns a list of channels for a specific group.
List channels DDL
List group members
Returns a list of members for a specific group.
List group members DDL
List group notebooks
Returns a list of notebooks associated with a group.
List group owners
Returns a list of owners of a specific group.
List group owners DDL
List group plans
Returns a list of plans associated with a group.
List groups
Returns a list of groups (an AD group, Office 365 group, a team group, a dynamic group or a security group).
List groups DDL
List organization users
Returns a list of users in the organizatiobn.
List organization users DDL
List recently modified groups
Return information about groups that have recently been created, updated, or deleted.
List team apps
Returns a list of apps installed in the team.
List user teams
Returns a list of teams that a specific user is a member of.
List user teams DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Remove member from group
Removes a member from an Office 365 group (unified), a dynamic group or security group.
Remove owner from group
Removes an owner from an Office 365 group (unified), a dynamic group or security group.
Remove tab from channel
Removes a tab from a channel.
Search group OneDrive items
Returns a list of items in the group's OneDrive according to search criteria.
Unarchive team
Unarchives a team (makes it writable).
Update adaptive card
Update an adaptive card in a channel.
Update channel
Updates a channel.
Update channel tab
Updates a tab inside a channel.
Update group
Updates an Office 365 group (unified), a dynamic group or security group.
Update team
Updates a team.
Operations (sample payloads)