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Create/ Upload task comment
Create a task sub step comment.
Get article
Get an article by ID.
Get campaign
Get a campaign data.
Get image
Get an image by ID.
Get raw file
Get a raw file by ID.
Get task
Get a task by ID.
Get task article data
Get an article associated with the task identified by Task ID.
Get task brief
Get brief of the task.
Get task comment
Get a task sub step comment.
Get task custom field
Get a custom field of a task.
Get task external work
Get the external work information of a task external sub step.
Get task image data
Get an image associated with the task identified by Task ID.
Get task raw files data
Get a raw file associated with the task identified by Task ID.
Get task sub step
Get the sub step of a task.
Get task video data
Get a video associated with the task identified by Task ID.
Get video
Get a video by ID.
List assets
Get a list of assets.
List assets DDL
List label group values DDL
List label groups and values
Get a list of label groups and corresponding values.
List label groups DDL
List task assets
Get the list of the assets/contents of a task.
List task assets DDL
List task attachments
Get the list of the attachments of a task.
List task comments
Get the list of the comments of a task sub step.
List task custom field choices
Get the list of the choices of a custom field in a task.
List task custom fields
Get the list of custom fields added to a task.
List task steps DDL
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Update task custom field
Update a custom field of a task. Currently supports update on the following types: text_field, multi_line_text_field, checkboxes, dropdown, multiple_choice, date_field, rich_text_field.
Update task external work
Update the external work information of a task external sub step.
Update task sub step
Update the sub step associated with an external work.
Upload task asset
Add a new asset to task. Supports only images, videos and raw files.
Upload task asset draft
Add a new draft to a task asset. Supports adding draft to only images, videos and raw files type task assets.