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Rev.io Operations
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Approve request
Approve an existing request.
Assign inventory item to customer
Assign a inventory item to a customer.
Assign inventory item to product
Assign multiple inventory items to a product.
Assign inventory item to service
Assign a single or multiple inventory items to a service.
Create contact
Create a new contact.
Create customer
Create a new customer account.
Create inventory item
Create a new inventory item.
Create inventory type
Create a new inventory type.
Create payment
Create a new payment.
Create service
Create a new service.
Create service product
Create a new service product.
Create task
Create a new task.
Create ticket
Create a new ticket.
Disconnect service
Disconnect an existing service.
Disconnect service product
Sets an existing service product to disconnected status.
Get bill
Find a bill by ID.
Get charge
Find a single charge by ID.
Get contact
Find a contact by ID.
Get customer
Find a customer account by ID.
Get inventory item
Retrieve a single inventory item.
Get inventory type
Retrieve a single inventory type.
Get payment
Find a payment by ID.
Get product
Find a single product by ID.
Get request PDF
Generate and download a PDF of a request. The request template you specify determines the format of the PDF. This can be used to create quotes.
Get service
Find a single service by ID.
Get service product
Find a single service product by ID.
Get task
Find a task by ID.
Get ticket
Find a ticket by ID.
Get ticket journal
Find a ticket journal by ID.
List bill profiles
Search for one or more bill profiles.
List bills
Search for one or more bills.
List charges
Search for one or more charges.
List contacts
Search for one or more contacts.
List contacts DDL
List customer fields DDL
List customers
Search for one or more customers.
List customers DDL
List customers metadata
Find metadata for one or more customers.
List inventory item identifiers DDL
List inventory items
Retrieve a list of inventory items and search through items.
List inventory items DDL
List inventory type fields DDL
List inventory types
Retrieve a list of inventory types.
List inventory types DDL
List payments
Search for one or more payments.
List products
Retrieves a list of products.
List products DDL
List request templates
Search for one or more request templates.
List request templates DDL
List service products
Search for one or more service products.
List service products DDL
List service types
List service types.
List service types DDL
List services
Search for one or more services.
List services DDL
List task fields DDL
List tasks
Search for one or more tasks.
List ticket fields DDL
List ticket journals
Search for one or more ticket journals.
List tickets
Search for one or more tickets.
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Reverse payment
Reverses an existing payment.
Run report
Run a report that doesn't require user input.
Run report with input
Run a report that requires user input.
Unassign inventory item from product
Unassign a single or multiple inventory items from a product.
Unassign inventory item from service
Unassign a single or multiple inventory items from a service.
Update contact
Update an existing contact.
Update customer
Update an existing customer.
Update inventory item
Update an existing inventory item.
Update inventory type
Replace an existing inventory type.
Update task
Update an existing task.
Update ticket
Update an existing ticket.