Artisan IMG > Revo 4me (revo-4-me) (9120f80e-b276-480f-af1b-ccfd40af9d1a)

Revo 4me

Revo and 4me will help you take back control of your service management system by removing the pain of switching tools, reducing consultancy hours, and enabling you to deploy and integrate at the speed you need.


Revo 4me provides Managed Service Providers with the ability to boost their service management business by delivering agile service that will help gain and retain customers.

API Information

The Base URL used for the Revo 4me connector is https://graphql.{domain}, where the 'domain' property is taken from your input when authenticating. More information can be found on their main API documentation site.


Within the builder, click on the Revo 4me connector to display the connector properties panel. Select the 'Auth' tab and click on the 'New authentication' button.

In the authentication pop-up modal, name the authentication in a way that will quickly identify it within a potentially large list. For example, whether it is a QA or Production auth, etc.

Consider who/ how many people will need access to this authentication when choosing where to create this authentication ('Personal' or 'Organisational').

The second page asks you which authentication method you would like to use, either 'OAuth 2 with client credentials' or 'Token based'.

For the 'OAuth 2' method, you will be asked for your 'Domain', 'Account name', 'Client ID', and 'Client secret' credentials.

You will need to register your OAuth application in the 'Applications' console of the 'My Profile' section. A registered OAuth application is assigned a unique client ID and Client Secret. The client secret should not be shared.

For 'Token' based authentication, you will be asked for your 'Domain', 'Account name', and 'Personal access token' credentials.

To get these details, head to the Revo 4me dashboard. Click on 'My Profile' and then 'Personal Access Tokens'. Click the '+' icon to add a new token.

Fill in the details, adding any scopes you may need.

Once you have added these fields to your authentication pop-up window, click the 'Create authentication' button. 

Your connector authentication setup should now be complete.

Available Operations

The examples below show one or two of the available connector operations in use.

Please see the Full Operations Reference at the end of this page for details on all available operations for this connector.

Using the Raw HTTP Request ('Universal Operation')

As of version 1.0, you can effectively create your own operations.

This is a powerful feature that you can use when there is an endpoint in Revo 4me that is not used by any of our operations.

To use this, you will first of all need to research the endpoint in the [Revo 4me -] API documentation to find the exact format that 4me will be expecting the endpoint to be passed in.

For example, if you wanted to query the API for a list of people with a certain email address, you would use the Revo 4me API docs to find the relevant query information here.

Note that all GraphQL requests are a `POST` request, and don't require a URL endpoint to be provided. You will need to provide the GraphQL query as raw JSON.

Based on the information provided in the API documentation, you need to configure the following attributes on your Tray platform:

  • Method: POST

  • URL:  

    • Endpoint / Full URL: ' '

  • Body Type:

    • raw:

{"query": "query($emails: [String]!){people(first: 1, filter: {primaryEmail: {values: $emails}}) {nodes { id name primaryEmail }}}","variables": { "emails": [""] }}

Once the API call is executed successfully, you should get the following results:

BEST PRACTICES: Whenever you do decide to create your own workflow, be sure to check out some of our key articles such as: