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Operations (sample payloads)
Salesforce Operations
Latest version:
Batch create records
Create a batch of new records in Salesforce. (Max 200).
Batch delete records
Delete a batch of records in Salesforce. (Max 200).
Batch update records
Update a batch of records in Salesforce. (Max 200).
Bulk update records
Bulk update records using the Salesforce Bulk API. Record data should be in CSV format.
Bulk upsert records
Bulk upsert records using the Salesforce Bulk API. Record data should be in CSV format
Convert Lead
Convert a lead into an account, contact and/or opportunity
Count records
Count the number of records that match a given set of conditions.
Create amendment quote
Create an amendment quote for a contract.
Create custom field
Create custom field metadata. Single or multiple fields can be created.
Create query job
Creates a query job.
Create record
Create a new record in Salesforce.
Create/update record
Create a record if a record with the "lookup value" doesn't already exist. Update it if it does exist.
Create/update record using ID
Create a record if a record with the 'lookup value' doesn't already exist. Update it if it does exist. If there is no external ID to reference, insert a new record using ID as the External ID.
Delete custom field
Delete custom field metadata. Single or multiple fields can be deleted in a single operation.
Delete query job
Deletes a query job.
Delete record
Delete a record in Salesforce, using it's unique object id.
Describe object (advanced)
Describes the raw structure of an object in Salesforce.
Download attachment
Downloads a file attachment from Salesforce, for use in other connectors.
Download file
Downloads a file from Salesforce.
Execute report async
Runs an instance of a report asynchronously with or without filters.
Execute report query
Returns report data without saving changes to an existing report or creating a new one.
Execute report sync
Runs a report immediately with or without changing filters, groupings, or aggregates and returns the latest summary data with or without details for your level of access.
Find records
Find a list of records in Salesforce.
Get consent
Locate customers’ preferences for consent across multiple records.
Get instance results
Retrieves results of an asynchronous report run.
Get job info
Get details about a bulk data processing job
Get job successful record results
Retrieve a list of successfully processed records for a completed job as a CSV file.
Get omni-channel presence status
Get the presence status of an omni-channel
Get picklist item details
Retrieves details for a specific picklist item from a given object and field name.
Get query job
Gets information about one query job.
Get query job results
Returns a CSV file with the results of a completed query job.
Get Record Object Description
Get the description of a record type, given the unique ID of the record of that type in Salesforce.
Get user info
Get details about the authenticated Salesforce user.
List jobs
Retrieve a list of jobs created by bulk data operations e.g. Bulk upsert records
List query jobs
Gets information about all query jobs.
List query jobs DDL
List report fields
Retrieves report fields available for specified reports.
List report fields DDL
List report fields for standard date filter DDL
List report instances
Returns a list of instances for a report.
List report types
Return a list of report types.
List report types DDL
List reports
Retrieves a list of up to 200 reports that you recently viewed.
List reports DDL
Merge records
Merge records into a master record. Be advised if you want to keep values from non-master records the Fields to populate input must be used
Raw HTTP request (advanced)
Perform a raw HTTP request with some pre-configuration and processing by the connector, such as authentication.
Revoke tokens
Revokes the access and refresh token used in the auth, which makes the authentication useless
Run report (sync)
Run a report from your Salesforce Reports list.
SOQL Query (advanced)
Execute a raw SOQL query to extract data from Salesforce.
SOSL Query (advanced)
Execute a raw SOSL query to extract data from Salesforce.
Update custom field
Update custom field metadata using name.
Update record
Update a record in Salesforce.
Upload and link file
Upload and link a file to a particular record in Salesforce.
Upload attachment
Upload an file, attached to a particular record in Salesforce.
Upload file
Upload a file to Salesforce.
Write consent
Update and write consent across multiple records, helping you sync consent across records or populate the new Consent data model.
Operations (sample payloads)